Video-In card, connecting GameCube and Xbox to Monitor?


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Hey guys, this is a technical question and I need a technical answer, and not a guess.

First question,

Is S-Video capable of HDTV resolutions?

Is there something better than S-Video?

Second question,

Suppose I bought a Video-In card with S-video... Would I be able to have the XBOX and GAMECUBE send 480P to my monitor? If so, then what Video-In card can do this?

Third question,

What would be the best Video-In card that could do what I desire?

Anyone that can help me straigten this information out will be well thanked! I know little about this area in computers.

Thanks in advance.



CodeHack2 has a VERY good post on using a converter Box for this, but one draw back that I could not be able to live with, is not having the menu (480I)... As I dont have a TV right next to it for that...


Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999
Hey Arch,

I attempted this very thing, S-Vid out of the XBOX into the Pinnacle TV Studio Pro Card. Horrible to say the least. The max your going to get with S-Video is 480i, which equates to roughly 320x240. Expand this full screen and you won't be able to turn off your monitor quick enough :) The only way a TV card with s-video is acceptible is if you run it in a small window. I found on my 21" the image quality did not become acceptible until I resized the window to about 5" or 6".

Quick break down of your questions..

"Is S-Video capable of HDTV resolutions?"
- Nope, Standard Def. is max, 480i

"Is there something better than S-Video?"
-SD Component is a bit better, not becuase of resolution, but becuase of the signal integrity gained from seperating colors (RGB) to thier own cables. Many of the NonHDTV flat sceen TV's (WEGA) use component inputs. Connections from best to worst: 1) Component (RGB) 2)S-Video 3)Composite 4) RF

"What would be the best Video-In card that could do what I desire?"
-Given my experiences, I would not suggest using a "video in" card for these purposes. If your looking for a "video in" card for other purposes though, pinnacle, ATI, and happuage all make nice cards.

Good Luck Buddy!


Senior member
Aug 28, 2000
There are HDTV tuner cards just like there are SDTV (standard definition television) tuner cards. You can also use it to watch broadcast hdtv, if you have it in your area. They are quite expencive though, maybe 400 dollars, so it might be a little prohibitive, but it would be allot cheaper than any HDTV, maybe 1000 at the cheapest, and it wouldn't even have a tuner included.

Edit: Here is a review of the AccessDTV HDTV tuner card. You can find more on google, just search for HDTV tuner, or something like that.


Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999

<< There are HDTV tuner cards just like there are SDTV (standard definition television) tuner cards. >>

With out component (RGB) in though, those tuners are useless for consoles like the xbox or gamecube.. Every HDTV Tuner card I've seen is limited to coax(Digital)/s-video/composite inputs. Which means your stuck going s-video from your console, which still leaves you at 480i.

480i is 480i anyway you slice it, whether your viewing if through a HDTV card, or a SDTV Card.. the full screen quality on both will be very similar. The current crop of HDTV cards are more geared towards actually letting you recieve and watch HD broadcasts on your PC Monitor.



Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Exactily.... Thanks for setting this straigt... I was looking at the HDTV cards... and noticed NON of them have the 3 BNCs.... Only has S-Video.. That is why I was curious to see if S-video any good.....

Thanks for the info man..... I am not sure what I will do.... I have a regular TV tuner card that accepts coax... but I am not sure if that copperbox audio authotity kits allows it to go through that when selecting the menu items....

You know, I am not sure why the hell the industry did this, there is 20 different connecters for the same damn thing.... Why not make it standardized.... BAH....

Anyways, thanks for the input guys, appreciate it... I will have to rethink this issue over....


Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999

<< Thanks for the info man..... I am not sure what I will do.... I have a regular TV tuner card that accepts coax... but I am not sure if that copperbox audio authotity kits allows it to go through that when selecting the menu items.... >>

The I/O on the AudioAuthority box looks like this...

- 1 x (RGB) Component Input
- 1 x (RGB) Component Output
- 2 x VGA (15 Pin) Outputs

Here is what you can do, which btw is the setup that I have..

Component (RGB) from XBOX to the AA Box, then VGA from the AA Box out to your monitor, and then Y (Green) from the AA Box out to the composite input on your TV Card. This will allow you to use your TV Tuner card for the XBOX setup. Assuming that your TV card has a composite input though.. coax will not work.

Good Luck,