Video Editing Problem


Dec 24, 2000
I got a Radeon AIW for christmas. I tried out the Video In/Out capabilities, and everything with the ATI Multimedia Center worked great, except for video capture. Capturing video with either the Composite or cable had the same effect. I could capture once, only after a clean boot, but after that I could not capture. I can reboot and capture, but that is it. How can I fix this? Also, I need to know what kind of cable/ how much it would cost, to hook my sound card to a vcr for outputting sound with the video. Also, I tried out the included software, Merlin VR and Ulead Videostudio 4, and they both don't get the job done. They are more of a home-video, import and add titles, etc., not software for clipping, adding effects, layering audio, etc. I have used I-movie on the mac and it is much more like I am looking for. I have also used the trial of Adobe Premiere, and it is really nice, but over $500. The only way I would buy it is if I could try it out first, not a trial but the real version. Does anyone know where I can download one? If there is something out there cheaper than Premiere and meets my needs, please help me out. Thanks
Feb 29, 2000
I can help you here. I bought an ATI Rage Fury Pro, only to get upset over its input/output capabilities. Very disappointed, especially since I have a powerful P3, HD space aplenty and 192 RAM.

Here's what ATI responded (after a few days) to my inquiries:

"In regards to the capture quality being poor.
Capture quality is determined by the entire systems capabilities. The CPU, Memory, Hard Drive and graphic card all work together to accomplish this task. The recommended capture resolution is 320x240 at 30 FPS, anything higher may cause the video to become choppy.
It is also recommended to run the system as clean as possible when capturing video. You can do this by running MSCONFIG from the RUN command. Now choose the selective startup option and uncheck everything but process System.ini and Win.ini apply the changes and restart as prompted.
The system will reboot with no application running in the background and do not launch any applications other than the Video In Player."

It is not very encouraging. The truth is, we probably won't do much with ATI/PC video cards and products. The SONY VAIO PC desktops are the only PC's I know are equipped for real video capture and editing. Otherwise, take the FireWire path, use a Pinnacle card, or go to iMacs entirely.

Can't help you with Premiere, sorry. If you really look around on warez sites, you'll find it, though.



Dec 24, 2000
I tried looking on warez sites but everywhere I went had broken links. I am not dissapointed with the quality of the capture, rather I need help with the ATI multimedia center. I am gonna try reinstalling the drivers and the center. I have an Athlon 850 and 384 megs of ram with a 30GB 75GXP, so I should have no problems with system performance. Can anyone help with adobe premiere or give any encouragement/ good experinces with the AIW capturing and output?


Senior member
Mar 20, 2000
I had some problems capturing video with my GeForce DDR in WinNT....then ive tried it in win98 and it was working perfectly.

In addition, I can capture in 640x480 on my PIII550 with a ata66 5400 rpm HDD.

In fact, the problem is probably the compression format you are using. If you want perfect quality (no compression) then u cannot even with your system capture at maximum resolution. You would need a SCSI U160 setup to accomplish this.

So, you have 2 choice : capture at 320x240 with no compression or capture at 640x480 with a bit of compression.

You have to remember that this card is not intended for professionnal users...even if its a powerful card.

BTW, for Adobe premiere what you could do is to get an illegal copy to try it then buy it if you like it and destroy it if you dont.

Also, do you how to cut a big AVI file in small ones ?



Dec 24, 2000
To cut an AVI file you could go into an editing program, clip it into two parts, delete one, save the other, etc., keep going. I really need a link to a copy of Adobe Premiere, or something. If anyone has any video editing tips or a link to a good forum please let me know.


Golden Member
Mar 23, 2000
have you tried virtual dub?

that program is excellent for capturing on many cards
and good for editing things as well
It has many different types of compressions and an excellent interface


Dec 24, 2000
Thanks for all your help, but I would appreciate it if someone could give me a link to adobe premiere.