Video: 4-year old confronts Israeli forces


Jul 2, 2005
Man, just shows you how heartless criminals make up both sides of that problem, that's why it can't ever be resolved.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
It just goes to show us when Palestinians try to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps and make their own lives better by irrigated their crops, Israel cannot possibly permit Palestinians to better themselves. It flies in the face of their Israeli message that Palestinians are nothing but terrorists dedicated only to destroying Israel and nothing else.
Palestinians cannot possible love their children and want only a better life for themselves and their families.

Silly Palestinian daddy, trics is only for kids and water is only for Israeli Jews. But my bad, better check, is Trics on the Israeli embargoes list? Memo to self, better check.

And that is why he is in the jail house now. Who will go his bail?
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Dec 7, 2004
"How can you shoot women or children?"

"Easy! You just don't lead them so much!"


Nov 11, 1999
Hey! Israelis need that water to fill their swimming pools! What a bunch of terrarist sympathizers!


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001

Nice usage of the NEVER AGAIN slogan used to remember the systematic slaughter of jews by the Nazi state of germany as imagery to attack jews. I applaud your clever anti-semetism. Just an FYI... I know this is difficult for your little brain to understand... but not all Jews are Israeli... oh and in Nazi germany the SS wouldn't gently lift the 4 year old they would shoot him... so wielding the holocaust as your verbal weapon is just ignorant. Go back to school moron.
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Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Wonder what would happen if a 4 yr Israeli boy walked int gaza?

And I think the saying you're looking for is "After Saturday Comes Sunday"


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
Wonder what would happen if a 4 yr Israeli boy walked int gaza?

I feel bad for the kid... I really do... I know my son would be very upset if I got arrested in front of him. But this whole event is hardly newsworthy... people get arrested in front of their kids all the time. Only when it's the Palestinians would it be used as a propaganda campaign.


Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
Nice usage of the NEVER AGAIN slogan used to remember the systematic slaughter of jews by the Nazi state of germany as imagery to attack jews. I applaud your clever anti-semetism. Just an FYI... I know this is difficult for your little brain to understand... but not all Jews are Israeli... oh and in Nazi germany the SS wouldn't gently lift the 4 year old they would shoot him... so wielding the holocaust as your verbal weapon is just ignorant. Go back to school moron.


Golden Member
Dec 22, 2008
Nice usage of the NEVER AGAIN slogan used to remember the systematic slaughter of jews by the Nazi state of germany as imagery to attack jews. I applaud your clever anti-semetism. Just an FYI... I know this is difficult for your little brain to understand... but not all Jews are Israeli... oh and in Nazi germany the SS wouldn't gently lift the 4 year old they would shoot him... so wielding the holocaust as your verbal weapon is just ignorant. Go back to school moron.

Probably not shoot him, just gun-butt his head until it opens up and throw him on the pile with the rest!

Genocide(like their a separate gene linage!)

All creative slogans to sell a "product" of some sort'

The ww2 thingy is losing it's punch in an argument from being over-used, I don't see a week go by without some mention or documentary of Nazi treatment of the Jews on the Idiot box.
Losing it's pepper ol' Boy!
What a clandestine little bunch the Jews really are!
Where was your messiah?
when you needed him the most!

"I am sick of Jews"
"Give us our due man, we know how to kill!"
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Golden Member
Dec 22, 2008
I feel bad for the kid... I really do... I know my son would be very upset if I got arrested in front of him. But this whole event is hardly newsworthy... people get arrested in front of their kids all the time. Only when it's the Palestinians would it be used as a propaganda campaign.

Be grateful your boy now lives'


Jun 8, 2005
This is news how? Next you'll see the many children(and you know they have plenty of children) of convicted felons going to court and begging for daddy. This is absurd.

MotF Bane

No Lifer
Dec 22, 2006
Ah, the brilliant logic and emotional requests of simple children, somehow flummoxing all of the adults who are involved in a large nation. :rolleyes:


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
Probably not shoot him, just gun-butt his head until it opens up and throw him on the pile with the rest!

Genocide(like their a separate gene linage!)

All creative slogans to sell a "product" of some sort'

The ww2 thingy is losing it's punch in an argument from being over-used, I don't see a week go by without some mention or documentary of Nazi treatment of the Jews on the Idiot box.
Losing it's pepper ol' Boy!
What a clandestine little bunch the Jews really are!
Where was your messiah?
when you needed him the most!

"I am sick of Jews"
"Give us our due man, we know how to kill!"

Wut? I'm sorry if you'd like to discuss the issue I recommend you explain yourself in the english language. I can't figure out what the hell you're trying to say here...


Aug 4, 2007
Nice usage of the NEVER AGAIN slogan used to remember the systematic slaughter of jews by the Nazi state of germany as imagery to attack jews. I applaud your clever anti-semetism. Just an FYI... I know this is difficult for your little brain to understand... but not all Jews are Israeli... oh and in Nazi germany the SS wouldn't gently lift the 4 year old they would shoot him... so wielding the holocaust as your verbal weapon is just ignorant. Go back to school moron.

lol don't make me laugh you ignorant fool. is NEVER AGAIN a registered trademark that no one else can use? what about the holocaust? there have been hundred of holocausts throughout civilization yet we only hear it referred to just one case all the time. you're either a zionist tool or a paid shill. you can find these types of fools based on how quick they are to pull the old anti-semite card on people. because of tools like you, its lost its shock value so stop waving it around like a moron, moron.

back on topic, this is news because you will NEVER see any media show anything that would make you have one ounce of sympathy for a Palestinian. who wouldn't be slightly moved by the cry of this little boy? only a zionist that supports the illegal occupation of Palestine.


Jul 2, 2005
The point is also that what was being done to those people to begin with is horrible. Then when they attempt to do anything about it they get beaten and assaulted. Two sides of the same coin in that area.


Jun 5, 2000
you will NEVER see any media show anything that would make you have one ounce of sympathy for a Palestinian. who wouldn't be slightly moved by the cry of this little boy? only a zionist that supports the illegal occupation of Palestine.

1 i don't give a flying fuck about Palestine
2. take your anti-semitic bullshit and go blow yourself up with it.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
lol don't make me laugh you ignorant fool. is NEVER AGAIN a registered trademark that no one else can use? what about the holocaust? there have been hundred of holocausts throughout civilization yet we only hear it referred to just one case all the time. you're either a zionist tool or a paid shill. you can find these types of fools based on how quick they are to pull the old anti-semite card on people. because of tools like you, its lost its shock value so stop waving it around like a moron, moron.

back on topic, this is news because you will NEVER see any media show anything that would make you have one ounce of sympathy for a Palestinian. who wouldn't be slightly moved by the cry of this little boy? only a zionist that supports the illegal occupation of Palestine.

Oh so now you're dancing around the subject? Ok this is too easy to resist.

1) Yes I am an American Jewish Zionist.... I know all three of those are bad words to you... I really don't care.

2) Let's address your logic.

You began this thread by showing a video of an upset little boy whose father was being arrested by Israeli police.

*Note that in this video noone was physically harmed father or child.*

You then stated "Never Again... unless your palestinian". Which was a play on what Jews worldwide say when referring to the holocaust... the idea of being vigilant to make sure it doesn't happen again. Translated literally what you said was:

"The Jews don't want there to be another holocaust, but they are ok with it happening to palestinians"... and the video is supposed to be evidence to backup that claim.

That post was anti-semitic, or judeophobic, or Jew-hating... whichever terminology you prefer... because there are MANY MANY Jews outside of Israel, who live all over the world. Many of whom don't even support Israel... and yet you group ALL Jews together by scoffing at a Jewish phrase to remember the holocaust. Pretty bad... huh?

Oh and then in your latest response you claim the story is news worthy because the media never shows any stories that would elicit a sympathetic response from viewers. How many stories would you need me to show you to withdraw that claim? I'd be happy to send you linkage to as many stories as you feel necessary. Just let me know.

Any more questions my jew-hating friend?