Hello everyone, here are my specs:
Athlon XP 1800+
1 GB Kingston PC3200
Windows XP Pro SP2
Giga-byte 7VAXP 1.1 F15 w/KT400 chipset
Latest USB 2.0 drivers from Giga-byte support page
ATi Radeon 8500LE
Seagate 200 GB
(pretty old system eh?)
I recently decided to go wireless but XP Pro does not see my Netgear wireless G USB 2.0 adapter at USB 2.0 speeds! Whenever I plug in ANY USB 2.0 device (thumb drive etc.), the device is recognized but a message pops up "This device can perform faster...please plug into an available USB 2.0 port." I clocked the data transfer rates at ~7Mbps (USB 1.1 speeds). It sux cuz I'm not taking full advantage of my cable connection!
Does anyone else have a similar experience with boards that have the KT400 chipset? I did a fresh install of the OS with updated drivers and that didn't help either. I was doing a little research and read that this is a problem with Microsoft drivers. Dang man, sometimes I just want to throw this rig out the window!!! Please help!!!
Thanks in advance for your help
Athlon XP 1800+
1 GB Kingston PC3200
Windows XP Pro SP2
Giga-byte 7VAXP 1.1 F15 w/KT400 chipset
Latest USB 2.0 drivers from Giga-byte support page
ATi Radeon 8500LE
Seagate 200 GB
(pretty old system eh?)
I recently decided to go wireless but XP Pro does not see my Netgear wireless G USB 2.0 adapter at USB 2.0 speeds! Whenever I plug in ANY USB 2.0 device (thumb drive etc.), the device is recognized but a message pops up "This device can perform faster...please plug into an available USB 2.0 port." I clocked the data transfer rates at ~7Mbps (USB 1.1 speeds). It sux cuz I'm not taking full advantage of my cable connection!
Does anyone else have a similar experience with boards that have the KT400 chipset? I did a fresh install of the OS with updated drivers and that didn't help either. I was doing a little research and read that this is a problem with Microsoft drivers. Dang man, sometimes I just want to throw this rig out the window!!! Please help!!!
Thanks in advance for your help