VIA Bus Master IDE Controller XP compatibility


Golden Member
Sep 24, 2000
Just finished upgrade of W2K to XP Pro, using the DVD from the MSDN Kit at work. We have a few extra licenses left, so I'm doing my home machine.

ABIT KT7 RAID, a little over 4 years old now.
Athlon 900 TBird

Got a message in the middle saying my VIA Bus Master IDE Controller driver did not pass the Windows Logo test for compatibility and they STRONGLY recommended not using it. I agreed and went on with the install.

Now when it did its first restart, I get the blues screen

A problem has been detected etc

STOP: 0x0000007B etc

At microsoft I find an article that gives as a possible cause -
Windows XP requires a miniport driver to communicate with the hard disk controller that is used to start your computer. If Windows XP does not supply a device driver for your controller or if Windows XP is using a corrupted or incompatible driver, you must replace the driver with a valid copy that is compatible with your controller and Windows XP.

Sounds like the driver I declined is needed, or its XP version. I can't find a driver at VIA that is clearly the one. And I don't know how to install it if I do find it.



Golden Member
Sep 24, 2000
Well, maybe some progress. At the ABIT site I found a set of VIA drivers for my board, which is outdated

VIA 4 in 1 Service Pack v4.53 Released Date:2005-01-11

When unzipped it's got all kinds of stuff. There's a folder named IDEWinXP, which sounds good. Inside are 4 files


Those may well be the files I need. I remember the warning message said it was about to install VIAIDE1.dll or .sys

But how to get them in?

I made an XP bootdisk by formatting a floppy on my laptop and telling it to be a DOS startup disk. It booted me to A: but when I entered C: to get to the C drive it said there was no such.

So something REALLY low level is missing.

I suppose I could boot from the DVD and start all over and accept the old VIA file and see if it melts or blows up. It might be quicker than fighting with this stuff, although this is all kinds of fun . . .

At least if it did come alive using the old files, it would be easier to load in the XP drivers I need



Golden Member
Sep 24, 2000
Guess not. I thought I would at least see if it would boot to the DVD. I wouldn't have to do anything there. But it won't. I get the DOS screen saying We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows didnt start correctly last time. Then a bunch of options for Safe Mode, Last Good Config, etc. Then no matter what I choose, it goes to the same blue screen.

But if it's a driver I need, where would it get loaded? It wouldn't be up at the windows level, would it? In System32?


Golden Member
Sep 24, 2000
The blue screen says to check for viruses. Don't know how I can. I have Norton 2003 on CD that says it's bootable but that wont boot either.

And it says to run CHKDSK /F, but I don't know how to do that if it's not on the floppy. I run CHKDSK /F and it says Bad command or file name


Golden Member
Sep 24, 2000
I found a copy of chkdsk.exe from a W95 site and added that to the floppy but it wont run - Data error reading drive A