Vertex 4


Golden Member
Mar 17, 2011
Won't be the slowest drive around.. that's for sure.

and for those hardcore techies out there.

Then there's going to be the fact that these controllers do not slow down until you completely fill them up with stored data and keep hitting them with huge benchmarks. And that's without trim too! So, now all the raiders won't need to be checking for Intel's 11.5 series driver releases to get their trim pass-through any more. With a controller like this one?.. who cares what or when they release.

On-the-fly recovery does not get any better than this at this particular juncture and the ultra-low latency isn't going to hurt anyones feelings either.

I'm guessing that all the OCZ haters will need to wait for the other mfgrs to climb on-board this runaway train before they want an Indilinx drive though. :p
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Platinum Member
Jan 1, 2006
Considering performance isn't really noticeable for most users, I'd reserve judgement till we see what kind of write amplification this controller exhibits with respect to different workloads.


Golden Member
Mar 17, 2011
Considering performance isn't really noticeable for most users, I'd reserve judgement till we see what kind of write amplification this controller exhibits with respect to different workloads.

Fair enough(not about the performance not being noticeable). But why worry about WA though? Hundreds of Terabytes worth of write potential isn't enough and you really need that last 6 months of lifespan or something?

This ain't the old Indilinx and even those early firmware revisions haven't proven to eat those drives PE/c up. Newer firmware helped of course, but just sayin'.

Personally?.. I'll take faster on-the-fly recovery(aggressive GC) rather than stretching the lifespan out until my kids graduate from college. Although, this controller/firmware variation is said to give both.

Besides, we'll be looking at Vertex 6 by the time it's a concern anyways. ;)


Senior member
Apr 9, 2001
Write speeds are impressive, and latency is extremely low. Looks good! I can't say I'm rushing to replace my M4, though. It's plenty fast enough (and faster than this in sequential read, anyway)


Senior member
Nov 13, 2007
The Vertex 4 will ship in March or April, he said, for a price yet to be determined. It'll support capacities up to 2 terabytes in a 2.5-inch drive package.
Any guesses on how much a 2TB Vertex 4 would cost?


Senior member
Nov 13, 2007
This review included a photo of a OCZ info card which included the item:

"Synchronous MLC/SLC 2.5-inch design"

Does that mean two different Vertex 4 versions: MLC and SLC?

Or, does the Vertex 4 somehow combine MLC and SLC on a drive?


Golden Member
Mar 17, 2011
Glutton for what? Punishment or greed? :p

LOL.. both. kidding
"Synchronous MLC/SLC 2.5-inch design"

Does that mean two different Vertex 4 versions: MLC and SLC?

Or, does the Vertex 4 somehow combine MLC and SLC on a drive?

Just means that OCZ is leaving that door open and has plans for enterprise versions, is all. The drive won't contain both versions of nand and will be one or the other. I think. lol

It certainly would be a valid idea and we've often kicked it around over at their forums. I keep pushing for 1 gig of DRAM too. They seem to give me what I order about a year late, so we'll see. ;)
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Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2000
For some contrast, here's my Plextor PX-256M3 256GB running incompressible data. This is currently the nicest/fastest drive for sale to float under the radar. For some reason, the scant reviews on the net indicate slower numbers.

If there's time and interest, I might run some more benches and post some pics. The drive recovers excellently even after a severe beating.




Diamond Member
Dec 16, 2006
Am I missing something obvious? That Vertex 4 doesn't really look better than the Plextor's numbers. Certainly not better enough for me to consider OCZ...


Golden Member
Mar 17, 2011
Am I missing something obvious? That Vertex 4 doesn't really look better than the Plextor's numbers. Certainly not better enough for me to consider OCZ...

yeah.. you are missing the bigger picture here. This is not even toggle nand nor does it have fully optimized and fully matured firmware like many others that have been around for 2 years.

Which basically means that the controller is just starting out without all the tricks and tweaks that the others rely on to get top speeds from older controllers. So, there's certainly more left in it.

You're also missing the firsthand view that these controllers have better on the fly recovery over the Marvell controllers. And that would be trim.. or no-trim.

Of course these examples are at the extreme ends of usage and getting that last little bit of e-peen fullfillment.. but regardless.. these will be top rated controllers no matter your personal brand preference or bias. Of course, it won't be official until Anand and the other reviewers tell you guys what's up with it. ;)
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Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
Nice potential, but given OCZ's history, would never touch one of their newly released drives until at minimum six months after their release, possibly a year. Too many issues always coming up with all their drives since Vertex 1.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2000
Of course, it won't be official until Anand and the other reviewers tell you guys what's up with it. ;)

Can't the same underhanded dig/remark be said for you and OCZ? To be honest, I don't even find Anand to be all that insightful (more a mimic) and get my tech news and reviews from a variety of sources. You call it bias, I call it realism (especially over Sandforce's alpha releases.)
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Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2001
how much data do you guys have that is compressible? osx - everything is compressed binary wise, office = docx/xlsx all zipped, media - compressed to heck. pagefile/hiber on osx all compressed.

what exactly are you guys using that is not compressed? tiff?

just curious.


Golden Member
Mar 17, 2011
Can't the same underhanded dig/remark be said for you and OCZ? To be honest, I don't even find Anand to be all that insightful (more a mimic) and get my tech news and reviews from a variety of sources. You call it bias, I call it realism (especially over Sandforce's alpha releases.)

Why me?.. because I have a strong opinion based off my own personal experience? Or because I test OCZ products and are somehow biased into bull***ing you?

Now, if I owned OCZ stock?.. then I guess I could see the concern. But I don't and I'm definitely not married to the company despite being given the opportunity to test upcoming products. I just report what I see based on huge amounts of SSD controller testing(various mfgrs) and post what I can without crossing specific NDA lines. I certainly don't need to come here and BS you guys to earn that right and simply do it on my own merit through testing the products.

In other words.. my vantage point is different than yours when it comes to what I post about in regards to OCZ's products(and don't assume that myself and other beta-testers don't constantly analyze the "other controllers" either). Not to say it's "better".. but sometimes just more insightful, is all.

And personally speaking.. ego doesn't have as much to do with it as some will think(though I do admit to a touch too much pride over what I've learned in such a short time) and you really don't meet too many people as down to earth as myself. No BS and "From the hip".. I like to say.

Anywho.. truth be told.. I do the EXACT same thing when I research as well. HUGE salt added and I don't care who the vendor is. If they want my money and are promising me something?.. the guard goes up and I make sure to read the fine print while also trying to interpret all that exists "between the lines". Tougher and tougher to do these days, it seems.
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