Well, I knew something had to give eventually... I'm glad they're not getting rid of it altogether so, I'll stick with my unlimited data, even at this new price.
I'm paying $90+ for my cell for 450 minutes of talk and unlimited everything else. I only use ~90 talk minutes/mo and around 1k text messages. It's ridiculous. HOWEVER.... throttle-free unlimited 4G is impossible to come by these days. I go out of my way to use my data to its potential to make it worth it to me. I go through 30-60GB per month with pandora, games, and using it as a hotspot for Netflix on my tablet (no torrenting or other illegal activities).
This price hike hurts but it only makes me want to use more data. My current data use, on a tiered plan, is easily $300+. If they decide to drop me from unlimited, I'll happily give my money to the competition... for 1/2 or 1/3 the price.