vdd error --what does it mean?


Senior member
Mar 6, 2005
Friend's system has a 300 w enermax -- 4 years old (maybe 3).

Sometimes when he boots machine ...the "magic health" will give out a vdd warning on the 1.5 v (highlighted in red) ...the computer will then boot normally.

From google...one hit with a recommendation to replace power supply.

My problem is...i have seen vdd, VDD, vDD, VDD, used in so many different ways ..i have no idea what it actually stands for. (like 1.5 v vDD or 1.5 vdd or vdd and vfrex and so on... ima lost)

what is Vdd??

TIA :)

edit: seems to match this problem:

"b) Sometimes, when I turn the computer on, it boots up so the boot text is visible. If I click on pause, the text under "Maqic Health" (where it displays the temperature, fan speed, etc.,) is in black except for the "vdd" boot screen reading. The vdd is in red for a fraction of a second (the number shown is below 1.50.(e.g., vdd 1.42)then changes to black and (e.g. vdd 1.52)then it changes to red, etc. (In other words it appears that the vdd is not receiving sufficient voltage.) If I click on the space bar, it finished to boot process and I can use it with no further problems."


edit: A logic '1' is represented by the supply voltage Vdd (current values for Vdd are +5V or +3,3V or +2,8V) and is colored in red.
A logic '0' is connected to the ground voltage, or GND, is colored in blue.
A connection neither to Vdd nor to GND is in yellow.


That seems to have the answer..i just don't understand it :)


Senior member
Mar 6, 2005
thanks :)

"Double subscripts mean the parameter indicated by the first subscript is
with respect to the second"


Well at least i understand that i can ignore dd and that the V is voltage ...

it was confusing to see some people write 1.4V Vdd ...for example.

But ya, i am no electrician ...and the explanations are very much mud like :)