OK, I just want to play half life (and nolf)!!! This sucks. I disable and/or remove onboard graphics, power down, install Voodoo5 5500 PCI card, power up. It installs ONBOARD graphics drivers (on it's own, I can not stop it), then V5 drivers. Asks to reboot. I say no, go to disply adapters, and remove ONBOARD graphics drivers. Reboot, I see Windows98 screen, then monitor shuts off. (If I check bios during previous reboot it shows onboard vga disabled and PCI vga (the V5) enabled). I have to hold down power button to shut off. Restart and of course it is now in safe mode ( I am still plugged into V5). Basically, the Voodoo card can only be booted into safe mode, and the onboard graphics keeps reinstalling. (I have a p.o.s. cpq)