I goofed and bought a PIII 450 that I thought was a FCPGA and it's a Slot 1. My fault, btw, and not the sellers. I'd hoped to use a slotket making 133 easier.
The Gigabite GA6BXC has a setting for 133mhz and I'm hoping to run it there. The manuel states if jumped to 133mhz the AGP will be at 89mhz.
Does anyone have any experience running A V3 at 89mhz? What are my chances?
The Gigabite GA6BXC has a setting for 133mhz and I'm hoping to run it there. The manuel states if jumped to 133mhz the AGP will be at 89mhz.
Does anyone have any experience running A V3 at 89mhz? What are my chances?