UT 2003 Scores! Post your UT 2003 Here!!


Sep 26, 2002
There are plenty of people out there, including myself, who want to know if their system is under preforming. So we get heaps of threads asking if their their 3dmark 2001 scores are up to scratch, and as we all know 3dmark means next to nothing. So I figured I would make my own post where everyone can post their results for UT2003 and their system specs for everyone to compare and contrast.

To make life more simple only post botmatch and flyby results for Antalus and Asbestos on a 1024x768x32 res and everything to the max. As for my results:

Antalus Flyby
68.149910 / 144.283218 / 646.002075 fps
Score = 144.355850

Antalus Botmatch
15.368454 / 35.557686 / 66.992516 fps
Score = 35.573753

Asbestos Flyby
75.854591 / 190.502274 / 556.801086 fps
Score = 190.687027

Asbestos Botmatch
20.461987 / 48.313824 / 93.955803 fps
Score = 48.338688

System Specs:
P4 2.4GhzB
Gigabyte P4 Titian GA-8IGX (i845g)
512mb DDR 333mhz Kingston 'Value'
ATi Radeon 9700 pro
Seagate Barracuda IV 80gb
Windows XP Home
Other stuff which doesn't affect preformance.



Jun 8, 2001
Looney why is your minimum frame rates so low in Antalus Botmatch and Asbestos Botmatch?? I play at 1600x1200 with all details on maximum so i don't think my scores would be good to post here sense everyone just about will post 1024x768 scores.



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
How does one go about benchmarking in UT2K3? I'd love to post my scores and see others.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 2002
Well here you go, I have res set to 1024x768 and most details on low.

GenuineIntel Unknown processor @ 2542 MHz with 511MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600 (4071)

dm-antalus Flyby

34.263050 / 185.037781 / 565.137756 fps rand[24849]
Score = 185.103500

dm-antalus botmatch

22.594591 / 83.960091 / 177.669128 fps
Score = 84.046860

dm-asbestos flyby

2.222061 / 201.902420 / 637.716553 fps
Score = 202.093948


3.288504 / 92.198669 / 175.946243 fps
Score = 92.247688

system specsP4 2.53 533 fsb
Asus p4pe mobo
512mb mushkin Hi perf 2700 ddr
Sb audigy Gamer
Enermax 55o watt psu
Seagate scsi 15k 36gb cheetah
Adaptec 29160 scsi controller
x4 Maxtor Atlas 10k III 18gb 8mb buffer in two raid zero config
Lsi Megaraid Elite scsi raid controller 128mb on board cache
External hdd case 300 wat psu
Gf4 Xstasy ti 4600
Scsi pioneer DVd
Scsi Yamaha Cdrw
thermaltake 6000 series aluminum case

Pic of me new systemLink