Hi, I've been looking for the answer to my question and so far no joy, so I thought I would throw it out here for all of you smart guys to consider.
Question: Will DDR3 DIMMs that are bigger than the max size supported by the memory controller still work OK even though you will only use a fraction of the DIMMs true capacity? In my case, I have an older ASUS mobo using the Intel X38 chipset. The spec'd max size DIMM you can use with this chipset is 2GB which means maximum memory is 8GB (4 x 2GB DIMMs). The chipset will support DDR3 DIMMs, but 2GB DDR3 DIMMs are now near-obsolete and more expensive than 4GB DDR3 DIMMs. I would like to use 4GB DIMMs on this mobo even if I only get to use 1/2 the true memory cacpacity. I'll be able to migrate these 4GB DDR3 DIMMs to a newer mobo in the future and use the true memory capacity.
Will they work?
Question: Will DDR3 DIMMs that are bigger than the max size supported by the memory controller still work OK even though you will only use a fraction of the DIMMs true capacity? In my case, I have an older ASUS mobo using the Intel X38 chipset. The spec'd max size DIMM you can use with this chipset is 2GB which means maximum memory is 8GB (4 x 2GB DIMMs). The chipset will support DDR3 DIMMs, but 2GB DDR3 DIMMs are now near-obsolete and more expensive than 4GB DDR3 DIMMs. I would like to use 4GB DIMMs on this mobo even if I only get to use 1/2 the true memory cacpacity. I'll be able to migrate these 4GB DDR3 DIMMs to a newer mobo in the future and use the true memory capacity.
Will they work?