Using a 1080P Plasma as PC monitor

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
I've had my eye on this monitor for a while now, thinking of buying it. It's a 1080P plasma tv from panasonic. From the reviews I've read it makes for a great TV, but what about a pc monitor? Also, if I do get this I plan on hanging it on the wall. What's the best wall mount for this TV?


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2001
There are some people here using 37 and 42inch westinghouse 1080p lcds as monitors. They work ok. The panasonic would be great for gaming but a 50inch screen with only 1080p means that text wont be all that sharp and you probably wouldnt want it as a worsktation monitor. Though for web browsing it will be ok and for videos/games, it should be great.


Senior member
Nov 30, 2003
Plasmas can be affected by burn in. I used a year 2005 Pioneer 720P plasma for about a week playing games and surfing the web and it left what I call "non permanent" burn in that went away after a few hours. I personally would not opt for a plasma just on the off chance that over time there is permanent burn in. LCD is a much better choice. Today Plasmas are supposed to resist burn in, but if this is a 24/7 computer monitor I just wouldn't risk the chance.


Jun 13, 2000
Shouldn't be a problem at all, if you're sitting far enough away. I used my Westinghouse 42" 1080p display as a monitor from my bed. It was awesome.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Twsmit
Plasmas can be affected by burn in.

So can old tube CRT televisions.

I used a year 2005 Pioneer 720P plasma for about a week playing games and surfing the web and it left what I call "non permanent" burn in that went away after a few hours.

That's unfortunate...the directions specifically say to break in the plasma for 200 hours before doing something like gaming for a week. I assume you didn't see that part in the manual. And yes, temprorary image retention does get removed, there is even some onboard tool to run.

I personally would not opt for a plasma just on the off chance that over time there is permanent burn in.

Again, you have the same chance of permanent burn-in with your CRT. Simple guidelines to follow prevent image retention.

LCD is a much better choice.

Not necessarily. Plasma have far deeper blacks than LCD, so they're better for movies.

...if this is a 24/7 computer monitor I just wouldn't risk the chance.

It's not.

The rule of thumb: if you don't worry about your traditional tube TV, you don't have to worry about a Panasonic plasma TV.



Platinum Member
Dec 10, 2000
for its size and price, I'd only use it in the living room - with a dedicated HTPC attached, of course.

I'm just happy with my westy 42" 1080p LCD, I don't know/care about plasma burn-in and whatnot -
but I know my LCD uses a lot less power than any plasma (of the same size)

You might want to look into that if you're going to use it for PC monitor

oh, another thing is Heat - I think that's one advantage of owning a large Plasma, at least in the winter you wouldn't need to turn on your heater!


Senior member
Nov 24, 1999
It's feasible to use if you know how to use it properly (distance wise).