Using 2 power supplies


Senior member
Oct 4, 2000
OK, tried to use 2 power supplies in the same computer. One just for the MB, and the other for the drives, cdrom's, fans, etc. I connected the green and a black wire from each ATX connector together, so they will both power up at the same time. If I have them both plugged in and connected, but not hooked to the computer, shorting the green and black powers them both up just fine. If I hook everything up to the computer, tho,and hit the power button, only onw power supply will come on. If I hook everything up to the computer, and turn it on by shorting the green and black, they both come on, but the one that I'm powering the drives and such from ........wont, in essense. The fan will spin, and I get voltage from it, but it won't initialize the drives, etc.

Anyone ever tried this before? Any suggestions, ideas, comments, etc...........:)



Senior member
Nov 2, 1999
u do not have a common ground with that setup, therefore communication over the IDE channels might be screwed up

your motherboard may not be able to handle the current required to trigger the required power-on voltage of the PS or it might be the common ground problem again

in short, only use a single power supply if u don't want to damage anything


Junior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Hi Beamrider
I think AC is correct. Infact, I don't think any mobo can handle that setup. Try using a relay to power your second ps.
good luck;)