Users of CPanel/forms, i gotta question.


Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2001
So i'm trying to get a web form up and running. Cpanel comes preinstalled with a form i'm trying to use called FormMail Clone. It gives me the actual script address of ""

Now if I am not mistaken, that's what I'm supposed to put under the <form method="post" action="">

Then I want to send it directly to my email. And to that aren't I supposed to use <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="recipient" VALUE="">.

When submitting the form i'm getting a page that says:

Form Submission Results

tfa_submit: Submit

wf_name: test

wf_email: tesat

wf_address3: atesafdas

wf_telephone-kwobfx: fdas

wf_fax-pdehsq: atesat

wf_comments: fdasfsa

tfa_dbformid: 16816

tfa_dbcontrol: 88a371fcc3f76735a5448d26a095c766


Now I understand I can go and tweak exactly what happens later, but for now I just want to get the forms submitting to my email. First of all is that possible or do I have to send it to some .txt on the server? And if I do that how am I supposed to retrieve it?

Sorry :eek: :confused: I'm trying to figure this out, 3 hours in and I need to ask a question.


Senior member
Oct 14, 1999
It looks like the form data is actually being submitted and being procecessed by the script. You don't get the email once you submit it? Unless you are triggering a debug configuration inadvertently, you should be getting email at the address you specified. It may also be your host may be preventing emails being sent from the formmail script because cpanel's formmail clone had some pretty big security issues 1-2 years ago that made me start recommending the nms formmail script: