USB 5/6 header on P4B533-VM to card reader, need 3rd lead


Junior Member
Jul 21, 2002
Hi, First post so go easy now. I just built a new computer and I'm thrilled. It came out just perfect and the Northwood 1.8 just hums along at 2Ghz. Everyone laughed at me when I said I was going to build one but they're not laughing anymore! Anyway, on the the minor problem I'm having. I bought a Soyo front panel kit that has a CF card reader and 2 USB 2.0 ports, (I'm proud of that USB 2.0 .. I have it working like a champ after reading a post here on where to get the drivers and how to install them).

The connectors off of the panel kit are the 9 pin USB connector which the Asus board has (USB 5 and 6). The other is a 5 pin (one dead) for the CF card reader. The problem is that I have no where to plug the card reader connector in. After studying the pin layout I realized that it is just a single USB connector so I just plugged it into one side of the Asus USB header and the card reader works perfect .. and fast compared to the external one that the dog is playing with right now. But now I can't connect the Panel USB ports to anything. What I need is a header adapter that would let me plug both the cables in. Do they make such an animal?

Thanks you


Diamond Member
Sep 12, 2001
I don't know, but I have an Asus A7M266 and a Lian-Li PC-68 case with front USB ports, and I can't figure out how to connect them either, so if you get any more information I'd be interested!