In checking USB 3.0 external HD enclosures on Newegg's website, it looks as if the ratings are all over the chart. Seems like about one third of the buyers of any brand have problems. What's the deal?
I know most all good quality USB 2.0 enclosures present no problem although the speed is somewhat lacking. I'm in the market to buy one but wondering if 3.0 is just too immature at this point. Reliability is much more important than speed to me but looks as if USB 3.0 will eventually take over the market.
I know most all good quality USB 2.0 enclosures present no problem although the speed is somewhat lacking. I'm in the market to buy one but wondering if 3.0 is just too immature at this point. Reliability is much more important than speed to me but looks as if USB 3.0 will eventually take over the market.