USA is #1.


Platinum Member
May 11, 2005
World Top 10 - Countries by Prison Population Rates

Country Prisoners Per 100,000
USA 686
Russia 638
Belarus 554
Kazakhstan 522
Turkmenistan 489
Belize 459
Surinam 437
Dominica 420
Bahamas 416
Maldives 414

End story-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This list is a summary of the entire sickening article. I guess China isn't good at everything. Sure, they have us on executions, but we have them on 'total percentage of population' in prison.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2005
We need to either legalize drugs or start sentencing people to death for selling drugs.

Plus I heard on the radio (not Rush Limbaugh either so don't start with that) that around 28% of illegal immigrants in this country are in prison.


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2001
China just harvests them for organs.:roll:

Edit: actually your other thread more clearly illustrates why their prison pop is so low, they are executing them all.


Jan 5, 2003
that's because in the U.S you go to jail for receiving oral sex from your classmates for almost 10+ years.



Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: judasmachine
decriminalize pot. our numbers would drop quite a bit.

I actually agree, it's pointless to try to even enforce it now. The other drugs need to stay illegal, they pose a serious problem for our society.


Jun 23, 2004
China? Yes... it is difficult to be in prison when you're shot dead or harvested for your organs.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
It's a very good business to be in. All the self hate insures not only an endless supply of criminals, but the urge to punish them forever.

We are sick but do not see it.


Nov 9, 2000
China can't even make the top 10. Prison population

Whats the point of incarcerating dead people?



Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2001
Unless you want to release rapists/murders/crack dealers/drunk drivers/white collar criminals to cause more havoc etc... Legalizing pot is not going to do much except release pot dealers. Pot losers err users have very light sentences anyways.


Senior member
Mar 4, 2005
Originally posted by: tommywishbone
World Top 10 - Countries by Prison Population Rates

Country Prisoners Per 100,000
USA 686
Russia 638
Belarus 554
Kazakhstan 522
Turkmenistan 489
Belize 459
Surinam 437
Dominica 420
Bahamas 416
Maldives 414

End story-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This list is a summary of the entire sickening article. I guess China isn't good at everything. Sure, they have us on executions, but we have them on 'total percentage of population' in prison.

No opinion of your own?

Committing a crime in some countries is punishible by death. For example, in some countries speaking out against the country tends to reduce the population. In some countries being raped is punishible by death. Etc.

Thus, it could be because some countries are not soft on crime. In fact, many are too harsh.
Feb 16, 2005
U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! We're number 1! U-S-A!
Maybe we should look at this from a socio-economic standpoint instead of a judgemental one.


Junior Member
Mar 1, 2006
Originally posted by: BarneyFife
Unless you want to release rapists/murders/crack dealers/drunk drivers/white collar criminals to cause more havoc etc... Legalizing pot is not going to do much except release pot dealers. Pot losers err users have very light sentences anyways.

LIGHT SENTENCES!!! Haha that is funny. Obviously you have never met anyone accused or caught in such acts. My mother (just yesterday) was released from prison for supposedly dealing pot. This is a woman who has only had one ticket in her whole life. They came in took her house, her cars, her belongings and threw her in jail. Then they gave her 40 years in prison. This all happened on the accusations of our neighbor who we have disputed with for years about property lines. This is the punishment for someone who is a model citizen and has never been in any trouble. Imagine if you have any criminal history. Now go on to tell me how invincible you are and how good of lawyer you have, cause guess what boys and girls, you don't have ******. The only reason she was released yesterday is she fought for 819 days straight to get an appeal and a new trial. She was "railroaded" by the prosecutor, judge, state. Everyone. Her first trial she was not even present for. Even though she was in there custody. She finally won her appeal to the supreme court. They made her case an example. She was released, but then the county where she lived claimed she had been on the run for over two years and failed to make a bogus court appearance. So, they had her re-arrested. Same charges brought against her. This time though we rallied the community and told her story. After i contacted all the witnesses i could muster, we were ready to go to trial. The prosecutor knew he did'nt have anything. He chickened out at the last minute and offered her a full differed sentence of six years and 3 on probation. Personally i told her not to take it. Although, i know how hard time can be. She took the differed sentence and is now living with her son, me. A grown ass woman living with her son because of greed. Some of you might be thinking "This couldn't happen where i live." and i will tell you that it does already. She lived in a small rural community in Montana. With a whopping population of 3000. This is a place where you know everything and everyone. If it can happen here and be this corrupt, then i'm willing to bet money that in the larger cities and towns things are alot worse. This country needs to pull it's head out of it's ass and wake up. It doesn't matter democrat or republican. Neither exist! This government is not right, this "United States" isn't right. People are far too lazy to try and fix it they leave it to there neighbor. Well after this story i hope you all realize where your neighbor could get you. This nation will fall soon, (without intervention). Everyone here seems ok with it too. They are like well what can we do? The people who wrote the Constitution wrote it to remind us everyday that we have the power not the government. We can tell the president what to do, we tell congress to stop spending so much on worthless crap. The people need to be united. By the way, the reason we are #1 in the world is jailing people is very profitable. The reason our law is the way it is today is because it is profitable. Admiralty law is what we are under today, not constitutional. Next time one of you is in a court room, look at the fringe around the American flag, notice how it is gold. It's not for looks and cause it's pretty. That is because you are under a different rule set. You can thank the loveable Abraham Lincoln for that. We are under-educated savages in a political palm greasing party. The funny thing is, unless you are a lawyer, you probably won't get to see any law books or info on this. Why?, because law is copyrighted now. So we are stuck being open mouth pot-bellied savages for the rest of our days, unless we take control of what is ours. This is my rant. I hope i have offended many and at least made some of you think "That is ****** up."



Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: tommywishbone
World Top 10 - Countries by Prison Population Rates

Country Prisoners Per 100,000
USA 686
Russia 638
Belarus 554
Kazakhstan 522
Turkmenistan 489
Belize 459
Surinam 437
Dominica 420
Bahamas 416
Maldives 414

End story-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This list is a summary of the entire sickening article. I guess China isn't good at everything. Sure, they have us on executions, but we have them on 'total percentage of population' in prison.

china probably didn't make the list because nobody knows their prison population. they are a secretive communist country


Jan 20, 2001
Originally posted by: rickn
Originally posted by: tommywishbone
World Top 10 - Countries by Prison Population Rates

Country Prisoners Per 100,000
USA 686
Russia 638
Belarus 554
Kazakhstan 522
Turkmenistan 489
Belize 459
Surinam 437
Dominica 420
Bahamas 416
Maldives 414

End story-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This list is a summary of the entire sickening article. I guess China isn't good at everything. Sure, they have us on executions, but we have them on 'total percentage of population' in prison.

china probably didn't make the list because nobody knows their prison population. they are a secretive communist country

China isn't in the top 10 due to their big arse denominator.

What's up with Belize and the Bahamas? Even Dominica sounds odd considering the small population.


Jul 8, 2000
Originally posted by: boss6021
Originally posted by: BarneyFife
Unless you want to release rapists/murders/crack dealers/drunk drivers/white collar criminals to cause more havoc etc... Legalizing pot is not going to do much except release pot dealers. Pot losers err users have very light sentences anyways.

LIGHT SENTENCES!!! Haha that is funny. Obviously you have never met anyone accused or caught in such acts. My mother (just yesterday) was released from prison for supposedly dealing pot. This is a woman who has only had one ticket in her whole life. They came in took her house, her cars, her belongings and threw her in jail. Then they gave her 40 years in prison. This all happened on the accusations of our neighbor who we have disputed with for years about property lines. This is the punishment for someone who is a model citizen and has never been in any trouble. Imagine if you have any criminal history. Now go on to tell me how invincible you are and how good of lawyer you have, cause guess what boys and girls, you don't have ******. The only reason she was released yesterday is she fought for 819 days straight to get an appeal and a new trial. She was "railroaded" by the prosecutor, judge, state. Everyone. Her first trial she was not even present for. Even though she was in there custody. She finally won her appeal to the supreme court. They made her case an example. She was released, but then the county where she lived claimed she had been on the run for over two years and failed to make a bogus court appearance. So, they had her re-arrested. Same charges brought against her. This time though we rallied the community and told her story. After i contacted all the witnesses i could muster, we were ready to go to trial. The prosecutor knew he did'nt have anything. He chickened out at the last minute and offered her a full differed sentence of six years and 3 on probation. Personally i told her not to take it. Although, i know how hard time can be. She took the differed sentence and is now living with her son, me. A grown ass woman living with her son because of greed. Some of you might be thinking "This couldn't happen where i live." and i will tell you that it does already. She lived in a small rural community in Montana. With a whopping population of 3000. This is a place where you know everything and everyone. If it can happen here and be this corrupt, then i'm willing to bet money that in the larger cities and towns things are alot worse. This country needs to pull it's head out of it's ass and wake up. It doesn't matter democrat or republican. Neither exist! This government is not right, this "United States" isn't right. People are far too lazy to try and fix it they leave it to there neighbor. Well after this story i hope you all realize where your neighbor could get you. This nation will fall soon, (without intervention). Everyone here seems ok with it too. They are like well what can we do? The people who wrote the Constitution wrote it to remind us everyday that we have the power not the government. We can tell the president what to do, we tell congress to stop spending so much on worthless crap. The people need to be united. By the way, the reason we are #1 in the world is jailing people is very profitable. The reason our law is the way it is today is because it is profitable. Admiralty law is what we are under today, not constitutional. Next time one of you is in a court room, look at the fringe around the American flag, notice how it is gold. It's not for looks and cause it's pretty. That is because you are under a different rule set. You can thank the loveable Abraham Lincoln for that. We are under-educated savages in a political palm greasing party. The funny thing is, unless you are a lawyer, you probably won't get to see any law books or info on this. Why?, because law is copyrighted now. So we are stuck being open mouth pot-bellied savages for the rest of our days, unless we take control of what is ours. This is my rant. I hope i have offended many and at least made some of you think "That is ****** up."


Paragraphs boy, paragraphs. Did you mom have any marijuana in her possession and if so how much? You left that relevant fact out of your story.


Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: judasmachine
decriminalize pot. our numbers would drop quite a bit.

I actually agree, it's pointless to try to even enforce it now. The other drugs need to stay illegal, they pose a serious problem for our society.

If they legalized meth, would you use it? I feel that the legalization of all drugs is the only solution to the drug problem.


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Ronstang
Originally posted by: boss6021
Originally posted by: BarneyFife
Unless you want to release rapists/murders/crack dealers/drunk drivers/white collar criminals to cause more havoc etc... Legalizing pot is not going to do much except release pot dealers. Pot losers err users have very light sentences anyways.

LIGHT SENTENCES!!! Haha that is funny. Obviously you have never met anyone accused or caught in such acts. My mother (just yesterday) was released from prison for supposedly dealing pot. This is a woman who has only had one ticket in her whole life. They came in took her house, her cars, her belongings and threw her in jail. Then they gave her 40 years in prison. This all happened on the accusations of our neighbor who we have disputed with for years about property lines. This is the punishment for someone who is a model citizen and has never been in any trouble. Imagine if you have any criminal history. Now go on to tell me how invincible you are and how good of lawyer you have, cause guess what boys and girls, you don't have ******. The only reason she was released yesterday is she fought for 819 days straight to get an appeal and a new trial. She was "railroaded" by the prosecutor, judge, state. Everyone. Her first trial she was not even present for. Even though she was in there custody. She finally won her appeal to the supreme court. They made her case an example. She was released, but then the county where she lived claimed she had been on the run for over two years and failed to make a bogus court appearance. So, they had her re-arrested. Same charges brought against her. This time though we rallied the community and told her story. After i contacted all the witnesses i could muster, we were ready to go to trial. The prosecutor knew he did'nt have anything. He chickened out at the last minute and offered her a full differed sentence of six years and 3 on probation. Personally i told her not to take it. Although, i know how hard time can be. She took the differed sentence and is now living with her son, me. A grown ass woman living with her son because of greed. Some of you might be thinking "This couldn't happen where i live." and i will tell you that it does already. She lived in a small rural community in Montana. With a whopping population of 3000. This is a place where you know everything and everyone. If it can happen here and be this corrupt, then i'm willing to bet money that in the larger cities and towns things are alot worse. This country needs to pull it's head out of it's ass and wake up. It doesn't matter democrat or republican. Neither exist! This government is not right, this "United States" isn't right. People are far too lazy to try and fix it they leave it to there neighbor. Well after this story i hope you all realize where your neighbor could get you. This nation will fall soon, (without intervention). Everyone here seems ok with it too. They are like well what can we do? The people who wrote the Constitution wrote it to remind us everyday that we have the power not the government. We can tell the president what to do, we tell congress to stop spending so much on worthless crap. The people need to be united. By the way, the reason we are #1 in the world is jailing people is very profitable. The reason our law is the way it is today is because it is profitable. Admiralty law is what we are under today, not constitutional. Next time one of you is in a court room, look at the fringe around the American flag, notice how it is gold. It's not for looks and cause it's pretty. That is because you are under a different rule set. You can thank the loveable Abraham Lincoln for that. We are under-educated savages in a political palm greasing party. The funny thing is, unless you are a lawyer, you probably won't get to see any law books or info on this. Why?, because law is copyrighted now. So we are stuck being open mouth pot-bellied savages for the rest of our days, unless we take control of what is ours. This is my rant. I hope i have offended many and at least made some of you think "That is ****** up."


Paragraphs boy, paragraphs. Did you mom have any marijuana in her possession and if so how much? You left that relevant fact out of your story.

Move to Canada. Mom and Dad both smoke, Mom has Epilepsy and MS, dad has chronic arthritis in his ankle. Mom could probally get medical pot in certain states, though the old man would never be able too. He was going through 40-75 Tylenol 3's a week for his ankle , than me and my mom bought his some pot and he now does a joint a night, and takes no Tylenol 3's at all.

Wonder if any pharma money goes to lobbying to keep pot illegal in the states so painkiller manafactures can stay in business.


Jan 11, 2006
Originally posted by: Ronstang
Originally posted by: boss6021
Originally posted by: BarneyFife
Unless you want to release rapists/murders/crack dealers/drunk drivers/white collar criminals to cause more havoc etc... Legalizing pot is not going to do much except release pot dealers. Pot losers err users have very light sentences anyways.

LIGHT SENTENCES!!! Haha that is funny. Obviously you have never met anyone accused or caught in such acts. My mother (just yesterday) was released from prison for supposedly dealing pot. This is a woman who has only had one ticket in her whole life. They came in took her house, her cars, her belongings and threw her in jail. Then they gave her 40 years in prison. This all happened on the accusations of our neighbor who we have disputed with for years about property lines. This is the punishment for someone who is a model citizen and has never been in any trouble. Imagine if you have any criminal history. Now go on to tell me how invincible you are and how good of lawyer you have, cause guess what boys and girls, you don't have ******. The only reason she was released yesterday is she fought for 819 days straight to get an appeal and a new trial. She was "railroaded" by the prosecutor, judge, state. Everyone. Her first trial she was not even present for. Even though she was in there custody. She finally won her appeal to the supreme court. They made her case an example. She was released, but then the county where she lived claimed she had been on the run for over two years and failed to make a bogus court appearance. So, they had her re-arrested. Same charges brought against her. This time though we rallied the community and told her story. After i contacted all the witnesses i could muster, we were ready to go to trial. The prosecutor knew he did'nt have anything. He chickened out at the last minute and offered her a full differed sentence of six years and 3 on probation. Personally i told her not to take it. Although, i know how hard time can be. She took the differed sentence and is now living with her son, me. A grown ass woman living with her son because of greed. Some of you might be thinking "This couldn't happen where i live." and i will tell you that it does already. She lived in a small rural community in Montana. With a whopping population of 3000. This is a place where you know everything and everyone. If it can happen here and be this corrupt, then i'm willing to bet money that in the larger cities and towns things are alot worse. This country needs to pull it's head out of it's ass and wake up. It doesn't matter democrat or republican. Neither exist! This government is not right, this "United States" isn't right. People are far too lazy to try and fix it they leave it to there neighbor. Well after this story i hope you all realize where your neighbor could get you. This nation will fall soon, (without intervention). Everyone here seems ok with it too. They are like well what can we do? The people who wrote the Constitution wrote it to remind us everyday that we have the power not the government. We can tell the president what to do, we tell congress to stop spending so much on worthless crap. The people need to be united. By the way, the reason we are #1 in the world is jailing people is very profitable. The reason our law is the way it is today is because it is profitable. Admiralty law is what we are under today, not constitutional. Next time one of you is in a court room, look at the fringe around the American flag, notice how it is gold. It's not for looks and cause it's pretty. That is because you are under a different rule set. You can thank the loveable Abraham Lincoln for that. We are under-educated savages in a political palm greasing party. The funny thing is, unless you are a lawyer, you probably won't get to see any law books or info on this. Why?, because law is copyrighted now. So we are stuck being open mouth pot-bellied savages for the rest of our days, unless we take control of what is ours. This is my rant. I hope i have offended many and at least made some of you think "That is ****** up."


Paragraphs boy, paragraphs. Did you mom have any marijuana in her possession and if so how much? You left that relevant fact out of your story.

Why would she take any sentence or any jailtime if she was completely innocent? There's a lot about this story I find questionable. Why also would she have all of her assets seized if there was no evidence whatsoever of her activities?


Senior member
Mar 4, 2005
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Originally posted by: rickn
Originally posted by: tommywishbone
World Top 10 - Countries by Prison Population Rates

Country Prisoners Per 100,000
USA 686
Russia 638
Belarus 554
Kazakhstan 522
Turkmenistan 489
Belize 459
Surinam 437
Dominica 420
Bahamas 416
Maldives 414

End story-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This list is a summary of the entire sickening article. I guess China isn't good at everything. Sure, they have us on executions, but we have them on 'total percentage of population' in prison.

china probably didn't make the list because nobody knows their prison population. they are a secretive communist country

China isn't in the top 10 due to their big arse denominator.

What's up with Belize and the Bahamas? Even Dominica sounds odd considering the small population.

I'm not sure I understand. The numbers are prisoners per 100,000 population not totals. Population size is equalized as a result.


Jul 8, 2000
Originally posted by: jrenz
Why would she take any sentence or any jailtime if she was completely innocent? There's a lot about this story I find questionable. Why also would she have all of her assets seized if there was no evidence whatsoever of her activities?

That was my point. Is is a case where she thought having a few pounds of marijuana around should have been her right and she got busted? This story is being told from a single perspective and leaving out the information needed to understand what happened. For the government to seize her property she must have had a significant amount of marijuana on hand.....but I'm sure there was a logical answer for that in her mind. I don't know, provide all the facts and then we can decide.


Nov 23, 2003
China my be losing at imprisonment, but as others have said, why imprison dead people?

The Death Penalty in 2005: China

In China - the country that accounts for around 80% of all executions - a person can be sentenced and executed for as many as 68 crimes, including non-violent crimes such as tax fraud, embezzlement and drug offences. 1,770 executions were reportedly carried out in China during 2005. However, a Chinese legal expert was recently quoted as stating the true figure for executions is more like 8,000.



Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Strk
China my be losing at imprisonment, but as others have said, why imprison dead people?

The Death Penalty in 2005: China

In China - the country that accounts for around 80% of all executions - a person can be sentenced and executed for as many as 68 crimes, including non-violent crimes such as tax fraud, embezzlement and drug offences. 1,770 executions were reportedly carried out in China during 2005. However, a Chinese legal expert was recently quoted as stating the true figure for executions is more like 8,000.


Heh, even if China put those 8,000 people in prison instead of executing them, that would add like 0.67 prisoner per 100,000.

Face it, either the USA prison/judicial system has a problem, or the US society has a problem as a whole.