Originally posted by: boss6021
Originally posted by: BarneyFife
Unless you want to release rapists/murders/crack dealers/drunk drivers/white collar criminals to cause more havoc etc... Legalizing pot is not going to do much except release pot dealers. Pot losers err users have very light sentences anyways.
LIGHT SENTENCES!!! Haha that is funny. Obviously you have never met anyone accused or caught in such acts. My mother (just yesterday) was released from prison for supposedly dealing pot. This is a woman who has only had one ticket in her whole life. They came in took her house, her cars, her belongings and threw her in jail. Then they gave her 40 years in prison. This all happened on the accusations of our neighbor who we have disputed with for years about property lines. This is the punishment for someone who is a model citizen and has never been in any trouble. Imagine if you have any criminal history. Now go on to tell me how invincible you are and how good of lawyer you have, cause guess what boys and girls, you don't have ******. The only reason she was released yesterday is she fought for 819 days straight to get an appeal and a new trial. She was "railroaded" by the prosecutor, judge, state. Everyone. Her first trial she was not even present for. Even though she was in there custody. She finally won her appeal to the supreme court. They made her case an example. She was released, but then the county where she lived claimed she had been on the run for over two years and failed to make a bogus court appearance. So, they had her re-arrested. Same charges brought against her. This time though we rallied the community and told her story. After i contacted all the witnesses i could muster, we were ready to go to trial. The prosecutor knew he did'nt have anything. He chickened out at the last minute and offered her a full differed sentence of six years and 3 on probation. Personally i told her not to take it. Although, i know how hard time can be. She took the differed sentence and is now living with her son, me. A grown ass woman living with her son because of greed. Some of you might be thinking "This couldn't happen where i live." and i will tell you that it does already. She lived in a small rural community in Montana. With a whopping population of 3000. This is a place where you know everything and everyone. If it can happen here and be this corrupt, then i'm willing to bet money that in the larger cities and towns things are alot worse. This country needs to pull it's head out of it's ass and wake up. It doesn't matter democrat or republican. Neither exist! This government is not right, this "United States" isn't right. People are far too lazy to try and fix it they leave it to there neighbor. Well after this story i hope you all realize where your neighbor could get you. This nation will fall soon, (without intervention). Everyone here seems ok with it too. They are like well what can we do? The people who wrote the Constitution wrote it to remind us everyday that we have the power not the government. We can tell the president what to do, we tell congress to stop spending so much on worthless crap. The people need to be united. By the way, the reason we are #1 in the world is jailing people is very profitable. The reason our law is the way it is today is because it is profitable. Admiralty law is what we are under today, not constitutional. Next time one of you is in a court room, look at the fringe around the American flag, notice how it is gold. It's not for looks and cause it's pretty. That is because you are under a different rule set. You can thank the loveable Abraham Lincoln for that. We are under-educated savages in a political palm greasing party. The funny thing is, unless you are a lawyer, you probably won't get to see any law books or info on this. Why?, because law is copyrighted now. So we are stuck being open mouth pot-bellied savages for the rest of our days, unless we take control of what is ours. This is my rant. I hope i have offended many and at least made some of you think "That is ****** up."