As Marco Rubio said during the CNN Republican Debate, we just need to arm the moderate rebels.
You know, the ones that are sane enough not to murder everyone, won't cross enemy lines, and stay loyal to us. Seriously, we've just been training the wrong rebels. We just need to find the right moderate rebels. They do exist. Just because we've screwed up with Mujahideen and Shah and a dozen other times doesn't mean we can't get it right this time around. If only we can find the mythical moderate rebels.
Sigh, words cannot express my frustration at the unspeakable stupidity that perpetuates the Middle East policy.
I hope sheeple would finally wake up but it won't happen. Rand Paul is the only one who openly talks about intervention blowbacks and that maybe we just shouldn't be so quick to arm the "right rebels", and his support from American public is practically non-existant.