Originally posted by: amish
proof? lets say i take a stroll in the bekkaa valley, i don't think i would be too welcome there.
"Country Risk Forecast and CityBrief"
for examples.. Qatar:
"Crime levels are significantly lower than in Western cities, though sensible security precautions should be taken. Foreign visitors may run into trouble with the authorities if they transgress Qatar's strict alcohol restrictions."
"Petty crime such as pickpocketing and bag-snatching are the main security hazards for foreign business visitors in Turkey. Crime levels in Istanbul and Izmir are similar to those in many European cities; crime rates are lower in Ankara. Street violence is unusual, but it is unwise to get into disputes with locals."
"The country is accustomed to foreign business visitors, who face few security threats. Crime of all types is rare, and anti-Western sentiment is currently far less prevalent than in other Gulf Arab states. However, visitors may encounter hostility if they offend local customs and sensibilities. Occasional demonstrations take place, but these do not pose a significant political or security risk. Detention of foreigners is rare and is only likely for serious crimes, such as alcohol-related offences."
"ordan is usually a safe environment for business travel. High unemployment and rising prices have led to increasing crime,(particularly opportunist crimes such as bag snatching from cars), but levels remain low in comparison with those in western European or North American cities."
etc... many travelers report that they feel much safer traveling in the middle east than they do in large us cities (baltimore, dc, philly, atlanta, detroit, etc). check lonelyplanet forums. now these arent the absolute safest place in the world -- its no luxembourg or sweden or switzerland - but there certainly is a HUGE misunderstanding in the US as to safety in the ME.
fwiw i would travel to iran - yes, iran - ANY day of the week if someone were to hand me tickets..