urgent help plzzzzzzz extremeeeee


May 5, 2009
iam unable to connect to internet
and the funny thing is i could last night...... i didnt change any setting or upgraded the driver or any thing.........iam using windows VISTA and it says limited connectivity or no connection

i tried to ping my server using RUN but it says timed out

i used CMD

ipconfig and found out that my IP starts with 19x..... ...i did some research and

found out that this ip is allocated when my PC fails to get the dynamically allotted ip from the ..........router.............

I tried restarting the router and it doesnt seem to work .........their is nothing wrong with my router and i can confirm it...........actually its a wireless one and iam using it
to get internet on my laptop...........

so apparently i can access the internet from my laptop and not my PC using the same router....

so any one plz tell me wats wrong with my PC.................

oh I tried installing newer drivers on my PC after the problem occured and nothing seeem to work plzzz help