Originally posted by: bR
Originally posted by: frankierx
Originally posted by: bR
whoa... you're upgrading already?

Someone got bit by the bug.

Just upgrade it as it breaks...
But if you're really itching to upgrade like i did... get rid of the RST fork. XTR parts are not necessary like Anubis said, unless you're a $$$ racer. If you want to go with disk brakes you're gonna have to get new wheels. I had the lowest Fox Forx on my Hardrock... a Vanilla 100R which was still pretty damn expensive as it cost as much as the bike...

But it was pretty damn nice.

To be honest with you... if i could do it all over again... i wouldn't touch a thing until it breaks. The sport is an entry-level bike and once you upgrade one thing it snowballs from there and you're probably better off buying a new bike than upgrade everything on it. My 0.02.
Yeah i've been bit by the bug on my trip to Mt. Killington, VT. Okay I will listen to you and not upgrade. You mentioned about being better off buying a new bike. Which specialized bike would you recommend then? Stumpjumer fsr? Specialized Epic? Hardrock pro disc? Hardrock comp?
Not that I'm in the market for a new bike as I just got the Hardrock sport, mind you.
Next thing you know you'll be buying another bike...
It depends on what you want to do. In previous years, the Hardrocks were more XC oriented, and now it looks like some sort of cross between XC, some freeriding, and some urban.
The Epic and Stumpjumper FSRs are made more for XCs... an Enduro is made for harder riding... it could go down fast but still be able to go up. A Big Hit will let you go bombing down.

Supergo had a 2003 Big Hit DH for $2600 on sale. Not bad for something that used to be close to $4k.

Anyway I think you'll be fine with the Hardrock for awhile, a hardtail will teach you to pick out your lines instead of romping down over everything on FS bikes. When you do go full suspension I think you'll be able to appreciate it more.
Next bike I'll get will probably be FS, disks, and UST tires... ill be fine on my hardtail with v-brakes for now.