- Oct 7, 2011
- 42
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Hello everyone!!
1. What YOUR PC will be used for. Gaming.
2. What YOUR budget is. Not sure i would say 2k
3. What country Slovakia...
4. IF you're buying parts OUTSIDE the US, please post a link to the vendor you'll be buying from. N/A
5. IF YOU have a brand preference. N/A
6. IF YOU plan on overclocking or run the system at default speeds. Maybe
-My Current build is: i5-2500k (OC 4.2GHz) , 2x Sapphire 6950 (2GB) - Crossfire... I dont think that crossfire is big improvement.. it just improves a few things , Win 7 (64 bit) , ASUS VG236HE 1920x1080 , Corsair TX850 V2 , CASE = CORSAIR 400R , MOB = Asus P8Z68-V , 8GB Ram and its CORSAIR 8GB KIT DDR3 1600MHz CL9 Vengeance XMP Low Profile.
- I want to upgrade mostly because of upcoming Watch Dogs , Witcher 3 , The Division , Dragon Age... And I want to run them on high / maxed out graphics on very good FPS (60+).. So its pretty clear that my current build is just not strong enough
And now I realised its not only because of upcoming games. Currently i have problem in planetside 2 / Dayz Standalone.
Made sure that CrossFireX is enabled in AMD Catalyst Control Center (Performance- AMD CrossFireX - Enable AMD CrossFireX). Even right clicked on Catalyst Control Center hovered over the first entry for the cards ("1. Radeon etc...") > navigated to "crossfirex settings" > clicked on "show crosssfirex status icon (where applicable)" to enable it.
Thus I have CrossFire icon in top right corner ( was in Planetside2 and Crysis 3 but not in Dayz Standalone )
Planetside2 - Supports CrossFireX
Low (no battle) = 110-140 fps
Low (battle) = 70-100
Very High (battle) ( and if possible Ultra) = 45-60 fps
Very High (no battle) ( and if possible Ultra) = 55-65 fps
DayZ Standalone - Doesnt Support CrossFireX
Low = 50-75 FPS
High (FXAA HIgh, AntiAliasing Very High , Texture Filtering Very High) = 25-50 FPS
Crysis 3 - Supports CrossFireX
Very High ( Antisotropic Filtering 8x , FXAA ) = 40-50 FPS
Low ( If possible all off ) = 120 - 140 FPS
- Btw I have 1 TB HDD.. But its Not enough need to upgrade. Thus I will add another HDD.. I would go for 2TB ( 1TB mby wont be enought later) Currently I have http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16822152185
You know my MOBO its in the post. I think it has 6 SATA but not sure... I need to open Case and check (will do that later) but someone told me that it depends what all things I have plugged into it (power consumption).. You know my PSU.
- Several ppl told me that my CPU is fine thus i dont need to upgrade it but only GPU. I think Im going to go GTX 780 Ti
Someone said on forums:
"i dont think the 880 is going to be a huge performance increase over the Ti, but it will hopefully be $200 dollars less. so depending on what you have now, spending something like $300 for now-performance, & then plan on $500 in a year or less for the 880, wouln't be a bad idea imo.
Considering that Nvidia just announced/launched a bunch of cards fairly recently so I don't see them undercutting themselves by releasing something a lot better so soon.
So yea I pretty much dont see any reason waiting for next cards
- 8 GB isnt enough for me.. Im running mostly on 70-80% usage of RAM
... ( browser with many pages + playing game
- Im going to go with GtX 780 Ti. But which manufacturer?? Heard that EVGA is best = Ti Classified ACX / Ti ACX Superclocked / Ti Classified K|NGP|N Edition ( This one.. sadly I think isnt availiable in my country right now... = im from Slovakia
) Is the 3 Gb memory enough?? I think so.. Im only on 1080p.
- What about mine CPU ?? I guess its strong enough
MOBO = Asus P8Z68-V can someone check if this mobo is enough for this GPU ?? If it will use full potential etc..
- Im using CORSAIR 8GB KIT DDR3 1600MHz CL9 Vengeance XMP Low Profile ( 4x2 GB ) If I want upgrade should i get the same kit (4x2) ??? To have 16 GB ?? I think this one is rly good RAM right? Is the speed ok and so on?
- Confused about the GTX 790 or next cards...I dont want to wait that long... but im scared that I will regret it LOL.
-Thank you! And im Sorry about any missunderstanding and confusion
1. What YOUR PC will be used for. Gaming.
2. What YOUR budget is. Not sure i would say 2k
3. What country Slovakia...
4. IF you're buying parts OUTSIDE the US, please post a link to the vendor you'll be buying from. N/A
5. IF YOU have a brand preference. N/A
6. IF YOU plan on overclocking or run the system at default speeds. Maybe
-My Current build is: i5-2500k (OC 4.2GHz) , 2x Sapphire 6950 (2GB) - Crossfire... I dont think that crossfire is big improvement.. it just improves a few things , Win 7 (64 bit) , ASUS VG236HE 1920x1080 , Corsair TX850 V2 , CASE = CORSAIR 400R , MOB = Asus P8Z68-V , 8GB Ram and its CORSAIR 8GB KIT DDR3 1600MHz CL9 Vengeance XMP Low Profile.
- I want to upgrade mostly because of upcoming Watch Dogs , Witcher 3 , The Division , Dragon Age... And I want to run them on high / maxed out graphics on very good FPS (60+).. So its pretty clear that my current build is just not strong enough
And now I realised its not only because of upcoming games. Currently i have problem in planetside 2 / Dayz Standalone.
Made sure that CrossFireX is enabled in AMD Catalyst Control Center (Performance- AMD CrossFireX - Enable AMD CrossFireX). Even right clicked on Catalyst Control Center hovered over the first entry for the cards ("1. Radeon etc...") > navigated to "crossfirex settings" > clicked on "show crosssfirex status icon (where applicable)" to enable it.
Thus I have CrossFire icon in top right corner ( was in Planetside2 and Crysis 3 but not in Dayz Standalone )
Planetside2 - Supports CrossFireX
Low (no battle) = 110-140 fps
Low (battle) = 70-100
Very High (battle) ( and if possible Ultra) = 45-60 fps
Very High (no battle) ( and if possible Ultra) = 55-65 fps
DayZ Standalone - Doesnt Support CrossFireX
Low = 50-75 FPS
High (FXAA HIgh, AntiAliasing Very High , Texture Filtering Very High) = 25-50 FPS
Crysis 3 - Supports CrossFireX
Very High ( Antisotropic Filtering 8x , FXAA ) = 40-50 FPS
Low ( If possible all off ) = 120 - 140 FPS
- Btw I have 1 TB HDD.. But its Not enough need to upgrade. Thus I will add another HDD.. I would go for 2TB ( 1TB mby wont be enought later) Currently I have http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16822152185
You know my MOBO its in the post. I think it has 6 SATA but not sure... I need to open Case and check (will do that later) but someone told me that it depends what all things I have plugged into it (power consumption).. You know my PSU.
- Several ppl told me that my CPU is fine thus i dont need to upgrade it but only GPU. I think Im going to go GTX 780 Ti
Someone said on forums:
"i dont think the 880 is going to be a huge performance increase over the Ti, but it will hopefully be $200 dollars less. so depending on what you have now, spending something like $300 for now-performance, & then plan on $500 in a year or less for the 880, wouln't be a bad idea imo.
Considering that Nvidia just announced/launched a bunch of cards fairly recently so I don't see them undercutting themselves by releasing something a lot better so soon.
So yea I pretty much dont see any reason waiting for next cards
- 8 GB isnt enough for me.. Im running mostly on 70-80% usage of RAM
- Im going to go with GtX 780 Ti. But which manufacturer?? Heard that EVGA is best = Ti Classified ACX / Ti ACX Superclocked / Ti Classified K|NGP|N Edition ( This one.. sadly I think isnt availiable in my country right now... = im from Slovakia
- What about mine CPU ?? I guess its strong enough
MOBO = Asus P8Z68-V can someone check if this mobo is enough for this GPU ?? If it will use full potential etc..
- Im using CORSAIR 8GB KIT DDR3 1600MHz CL9 Vengeance XMP Low Profile ( 4x2 GB ) If I want upgrade should i get the same kit (4x2) ??? To have 16 GB ?? I think this one is rly good RAM right? Is the speed ok and so on?
- Confused about the GTX 790 or next cards...I dont want to wait that long... but im scared that I will regret it LOL.
-Thank you! And im Sorry about any missunderstanding and confusion
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