Upgraded iPhone 6 to iOS 9. Trouble connecting to iHome alarm clock.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
Since I upgraded my phone to iOS 9, I've been having issues with the connection to my iHome alarm clock. I've had issues where the phone will charge but won't connect to the clock and where the the connection gets lost during the night - alarm beeps vs playing a selected song on my phone. I connect to the clock via a 30 pin to lightning adapter cable. Did a google search and no recent articles. Any ideas?


Mar 11, 2000
What OS were you on before? iOS 8.4 and later partially screwed up iPod functionality for me for my car, at least over Bluetooth.

That stupid Apple/Beats Music integration fscked some stuff up, methinks.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
I was on 8.4 and had no issues with the clock. A few mornings ago it used a different song than what I selected. When I get ready for bed, I open Music and select the song I want for the wakeup, hit the home button and slide up the control to set volume, open iHome Set and hook my phone up to the clock. Once it connects, I verify that the alarm is on and set for the correct time. So Music is in the background and Set is the open app. I let the phone go to standby. Prior to the iOS 9 update, this worked virtually flawlessly. Now, as I stated, the Set app has had issues connecting to the phone and (I'm guessing) has occasionally lost connection to the phone during the night as the clock beeps rather than playing the selected song. This happened this morning and I had to disconnect the phone to turn off the alarm as none of the buttons on the clock worked until I undocked. And, the the alarm went off 3 minutes late even though I never changed the alarm setting.


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2007
What OS were you on before? iOS 8.4 and later partially screwed up iPod functionality for me for my car, at least over Bluetooth.

That stupid Apple/Beats Music integration fscked some stuff up, methinks.

I bet that's my problem as well. Switched stereo from one car to another and could't figure out why I was only getting sound to the front speaker over bluetooth, bet that's it. Upgraded the OS between. It's fine over USB.

OP: I have an iHome as well but am not having any issues with it after the upgrade.