Upgrade Time (?)


Golden Member
Feb 26, 2001
OK, I am currently running Win7 RC, and I like it. With the system in my signature, am looking to swap out my primary HDD for a 120G SSD, and move my current storage drive over to my WHS. (Putting my current primary as local storage)

Since I am currently at 59.6G of used space, the 120G seems to be the way to go. I am currently debating either a VERTEX or AGILITY drive from OCZ based on what I've seen about the internet (and my limited budget)

I have a hard ceiling of $350 for the budget. This system is used for moderate gaming/ much TV (some recorded, mostly live via VMC)/ some video conversion/editing....

Comments/ Thoughts/ Sharp Pointy Objects?...


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
The Agility seems to be a cheaper version of the Vertex, using cheaper memory. I see that it is a bit cheaper than the Vertex, but the Vertex performs a bit better and is often on sale. You can also look into similar drives from other manufacturers using the Indilinx controller. These include the Patriot Torqx and Super Talent UltraDrive ME. G.Skill also has one, maybe the Falcom (but I'm not positive).


Golden Member
Feb 26, 2001
On average, the Agility shows up as $50 cheaper.. Which puts it in the budget immediately (The Vertex would have to be on sale...)

Have you seen any good comparisons on **all** of the indilinx/ barefoot drives? Most of what I have found realy only focuses on the vertex and a few include the Super Talent drives..

My goal is to get the best I can get in budget with the right capacity. (if only the slc intel drive could fall off a truck in my front yard.. :D )