upgrade mobile celeron to mobile p4?


Sep 15, 2003
I just purchased a celeron 2.4hz lappy, and I was wondering about this. I know on desktops, the intel boards will take either celerons or p4's, in fact the celeron's are called "Pentium 4 Celerons"...however intel's spec page only refer to them as "Mobile Celerons"...even though both the mobile celerons and the mobile p4's are 478 pin PPGA FC-PGA2. SO I'm assuming I can take a P4 mobile 2.4 and throw it in the lappy, correct? I know the P4M's run @ 400mhz just like the mobile celeron that I have.

ANyway, I'm just wondering, can I swap a celeron 2.4ghz out of my lappy and replace it with a non celeron of any kind? Would I really notice much of a difference?

On another note, I've heard that desktop celerons oc really well on air. I've seen sites where they take 2.4 speeds up to 3.2 and even more in some cases. Being that I have 256 L2 on this celly, I wonder if that's all I might need to do. Then again, I've heard about how hard it its to OC a lappy cpu.


Senior member
Oct 15, 2003
actually, its not that hard. what's hard is keeping heat away, which is a laptop's worst enemy. (aside from lunatic laptop owners)