<<From my own personal experience with the marketing idiots that work for my company, the marketing reps that go around spouting this kind of crap don't know what the hell they are talking about.

How funny... that reminds me of a time, way back when... These Dell salesmen were at our company trying to convince us we needed to buy their computers instead of the Compacschit be had been buying... oh well, anyway...
This was right around when the Piii's with On Die cache came out. The Socket370 Piii's were brand new, but the Slot1 Piii's with the On-Die cache were a bit more popular simply because there were fewer Socket370 mobo's.
One of those dorky salesmen made a comment about how these new Dells still had the Slot1 CPU's instead of the "old style" socket370 and he was telling us how the "Slot1" made the PC run faster and was a more advanced design. hehehe
I had to interupt him by asking...
"Can you run that by me again? The Slot1 interface makes the CPU faster?" I said.
"Uhmm, er, Yes! It's a more advanced Processor interface and is faster than the socketed CPU."
"Oh." I said, "I thought the SLOT1 Cartidge was necessary because the "older" P2's had to have External L2 and they couldn't get it to work well in a socketed package like the PPro. So Intel came up with this temporary design until they could get the L2 on the CPU itself?"
After 15-20 seconds of an unforgettable Uhhhhhhhh look, he responds again.
"Yes." he said. "The SLOT1 is more advanced"
"Oh, OK" I said. "When will the socket 370 models be available? We will want those... because they are even More advanced"
By this time, I could see him thinking he wished I would go burn with Satan or something.. hehehe
I Love messing with Salesmen. hehehehehe