I've had an abit bp6 with dual 366@550. Those of you with this setup: whats your plan to upgrade? Do the C2's support smp? Or would it be better to get a p3 with a cB0 or cC0 stepping?
another 366@550 bp6 user here. i've pimped everything around it, 512ram, geforce 2, atlas10k2, but the bp6 is still there. i dont plan on upgrading it till dual tbirds are available.
Abit has created another dual board called the VP6. It has a socket 370 fc-pga interface. I still run a bp6 for a server, but I wouldn't run another one for a workstation. I think AMD is the way to go unless you absolutely need SMP. In that case AMD should have dual boards available soon based on the AMD 760 chipset.
I've got the same setup 366@561, and it still fits my need of fast RC5 I don't have any plans for upgrading yet. I might build a new computer in about 6 months, probably using an AMD chip for faster RC5.
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