Upgrade bh6 1.01 and c300a@450-any suggestions?


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
Well I have read all the old posts that I can find and yet none seem that up to date.

I currently have a celeron 300a@450 on an old style Bh6 which will have the new SS bios in a matter of hours. The system also has a cl xgamer, viper 2 video card and 128 megs of memory.

Right now I am considering two upgrades:

The first is the processor, I am torn between a celeron 600 or a 566. I dont know if either will work properly even though the bios is supposed to support it, either chip would be mounted on an abit slocket !!! or whatever.

The second upgrade is a geforce MX, probabily the Guillemont.

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, especially those from people who were in the same boat as me :)

The rest of the specs are

Abit Bh6 1.01 ss
celeron 300a@450 stock heatsink and fan
2 64mb sticks pc100 memory
netgear 10/100 fa310tx network card
netgear usb network adapter ea101 (for sharing)
Phoebe tv master
Creative labs Soundblaster X gamer
Diamond supra express ISA voice/fax
Diamond Viper 2
all bottled up in an InWin S500 with a 300w fortron source power supply
Card cooler along with 2 80mm internal fans


Aug 15, 2000
i have a bh6 1.01 and my 533a@824 works properly on it
566 and 600 are both good bang-for-the-buck chips, cept 566 has a better chance hitting 100fsb.
iwill slocket2 or abit slocket !!! both are good.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
I have a 1.01 rev and it worked fine for me.. well except for some major problems with crashing and lockups I'm haveing lately but I don't feel it's because of the chip. I think my powersupply or mobo may be on the blink. This really has me at the end of my rope right now. If I have to get a new mobo I think I'm gonna get a Duron setup.



Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
well I want the cheapest most effective solution for online gaming, I dont think that I would go duron if my board ate it just get a abit se6 or something and keep the 600 cel or 566, just built a system with a se6 for my friend and man it is nice. oh well thanks for all the suggestions I will have to ponder it some more