So now for some reason my computer has started to hang. I feel like its USB related because my keyboard powers down during these freezes. Anyone have any ideas I have no idea how to explain this problem besides my hunch that it has something to do with USB. At the last freezing i looked at the wireless thing and it had no power going to it even though my system was on.
EDIT: So I'm thinking of changing my mobo and PSU to the following:
PC Power & Cooling Silencer 470W ATX 1.3 Power Supply (OEM)
ASRock 939Dual-SATA2 Audio/Lan/PCI-E and AGP/SATA3G/DDR/ATX 64 939
I want to get the ability to get PCI-E in the I figure maybe this is the time. My current PSU is a 480W TT Purepower...I'm thinking that its a POS PSU and that it needs to be switched out...additionally I have a MSI Neo2-FIR MOBO that I cant seem to get to stop beeping like 7 beeps at startup...
I have a A64 3000+ Venice @ a mild 2.0ghz
2x1 Corsiar Value ram (bought separately but currently work Dual Channel)
MSI Neo2-FIR (refurb mobo)
Audigy 2
Thermaltake Purepower 480W (I think its crapping out, now my system hangs because I have a lot of USB ****** plugged in or something)
My usage profile is I do a lot of web surfing/school work/BeyondTV usage(it'd be nice to eventually be able to showsqueeze while I game or do other ****** without computer slowdown)...i DO however play games from time to time. generally RTS and MMORPGs but I like to dick around with FPSs from tiem to time.
EDIT: So I'm thinking of changing my mobo and PSU to the following:
PC Power & Cooling Silencer 470W ATX 1.3 Power Supply (OEM)
ASRock 939Dual-SATA2 Audio/Lan/PCI-E and AGP/SATA3G/DDR/ATX 64 939
I want to get the ability to get PCI-E in the I figure maybe this is the time. My current PSU is a 480W TT Purepower...I'm thinking that its a POS PSU and that it needs to be switched out...additionally I have a MSI Neo2-FIR MOBO that I cant seem to get to stop beeping like 7 beeps at startup...
I have a A64 3000+ Venice @ a mild 2.0ghz
2x1 Corsiar Value ram (bought separately but currently work Dual Channel)
MSI Neo2-FIR (refurb mobo)
Audigy 2
Thermaltake Purepower 480W (I think its crapping out, now my system hangs because I have a lot of USB ****** plugged in or something)
My usage profile is I do a lot of web surfing/school work/BeyondTV usage(it'd be nice to eventually be able to showsqueeze while I game or do other ****** without computer slowdown)...i DO however play games from time to time. generally RTS and MMORPGs but I like to dick around with FPSs from tiem to time.