Updating my Bios, what to expect?


Jul 10, 2002
Hi there,

I am just preparing to overclock my 1GHz AMD and i really need some good advice. I dont seem to have many options in my bios for my AK12A V.3.0. So anyway i have downloaded a new bios and i am readying to flash my old one. The thing is, i have been reading around various FAQ's and its basically made me very nervous.

What information will i retain. Will i need to reinstall many applications. Such as Via 4-1 drivers. Also as far as the actual settings in my current bios. Will these all be copied over to my new bios? Or will i just get a default setting (seems most likely)? If this is the case, i have to be honest i dont know what half the settings are meant to do. How will i know what to do with what?

Thanks for your help



Diamond Member
May 21, 2001
A Bios flash shouldn't affect your operating system at all unless it added some new features that your OS detects. (rare)

My view is to not flash at all unless it is going to fix a problem you are having or add features you need. (processor support, etc.)

If you do, just follow the directions from your motherboard manufacturer's website TO THE LETTER. Always flash from a basic DOS disk - DON'T use a Win98 disk as they contain memory mangers that can screw the flash sometimes - use a basic DOS disk or go to www.bootdisk.com can get their DR-DOS bootdisk and use that.

A BIOS flash shouldn't affect anything on your drive. On some boards, it may wipe your BIOS settings so after the flash, you'll need to go back in there and reset your settings (overclocking stuff, etc.), have your BIOS redetect your drives, and so on but normally, your settings are retained.



Golden Member
Oct 14, 1999
like it was said above..
it should NOT affect your operatiing system..

i must stress that i would not recomend flashing the bios unless it is necessary for your overclocking or if new features are added...

u could screw up your mobo for no reason if you don't really need to do it..



Jul 10, 2002
There is no option to change my fsb on my current bios. Award Software version 6.00PG. I have one more thing to check. if that doesnt work i will flash the bios. Then i have to think about unclocking the cpu. I wonder how easy that will be? i have never tried it before.