Updated website:


Senior member
Jun 7, 2000
Hey all -

I posted my website here a couple months ago and got some very helpful feedback. So now that I've made a few changes, I thought I'd throw it up for another round here.

[edit: right, forgot to put it in the actual message text:
I took advice on ditching my frames and using tables, and also a little help on my images (although I realize they still aren't too great). Other helpful advice dealt with the color scheme (text) and other readability issues.

One of the biggest problems I'm still having is getting the darn feedback form to work under the 'contact' page. I'm thinking about just ditching it having only the email link, but I've always liked the forms for convenience sake, so if anyone could help me with that, I would really appreciate it.

Keep in mind I'm not trying to make this site too fancy or anything, just something to host from my computer and put on a résumé, and mess around with for fun.

PS - information about your browser of choice and resolution would also be appreciated.

Thanks alot all.


Oct 17, 2000
excellent. however i did notice something funny. is the menu to the right in a seperate frame? because everytime i click on a menu button, i notice the menu might move a little down or up, and looks buggy. You might want to set that as a seperate frame to correct that, or work on another method. Have you considered using flash to spice up your site? i recommend it :)

my url


Elite Member
Nov 5, 2000
Site looks good, with one exception.

Main | Info | Education | Career | Pictures | Links |

that color does not work with the background color. You can barely make out the text.

My browser is IE 5.0 and my res is 1024X768


Senior member
Jun 7, 2000
Thanks for the replies so far.

DannyLove - as for the navigation images on the left, they are in a separate <td> from the main text. I had messed around with putting a spacer image at the top to try to make them in the middle of the text (as each page is a different length), but you're right, it does look screwy. I've pretty much fixed it, although I had to mess around with the headings in the main area still. Thanks for pointing that out. As for Flash, I just picked that up recently, but haven't had time to learn it. I hear it's fairly easy, at least for simple movies, so I might try to do a quick one for an intro.

Azraele - thanks for pointing that out also. I'm assuming you mean at the bottom of the 'main' page. For some reason that page isn't picking up all the parts of my external CSS
on that page, but on the other's it's a different color on the bottom, which I think looks better.

Thanks again for your help...anymore is appreciated.