(Updated 03/30/05)I need a gerbal powered alarm clock to kill gerbals.

Zero Plasma

Jun 14, 2004
OK im so sorry. Let me look at this more analitically:

I see that I ws a dumass, but, im not... you sea...
Let me tell you a story that will (smith) shed light on this situation.

Several months ago, that exaact date is not imnpotent. I went to macdonalds... welll they know me there and i can just walk up, and not say anything cus i always order the same thing, and they know what i want cus i always go there at th same time every day; i get

a hamburgher, cooked for 5 minutes at 200K at atmospheric pressure. Fries, cooked in peanut oil, stp volume. No fingers. Um, and no special sauce, cus thats just old manaese. Anyways, thats not important for the story.

After i eat, I go jogging (with a big stick in case of Jacko), you know. I always pass the house of a best buy general manger...man strange SH## goes down there. Once I saw a lot of cars in front of this dudes house... it was like midnight. Being me, I just know everything, or will in a minute, I had to sea whar was happening. Arr mait, that poor bloke, the yellow roll back guy, roolin down the prices... you know. Anyways they had the poor bloke tied up.They were doin things to him. When he was in the war, I think he wasn?t really a hero. I think they put things in his head to control him. I might be the only one to know this. You NEED to now what these people are doing. I think they want him to become vive pres. So they can assassinate the pres and make him the president.

Then after I came back from the movies I walked over the canal bridge, you know, the one where spunkerghouter lives. They say he used to be a taco, but then radiation made him real and know he eats computer nerds and grammer peeves. Anyways after I woke up from the dream I went to macdonalds. They know me cus I go they?re a lot and always geet the same thing. Two tacos, with the good beens, the ones they keep in the back for the el presidentte. I reaaaally think el presidente is cool. He has a lot of work to do. I don?t know how he gets up. He must have a really loud alarm clock. It is probably nuclear powered?. Anyways, I?m obviously not finished with my story. I will reply later. It is important that you understand my point.

BestBuy Suxz


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
i think it is some sorta conglomerated parody, a little bit of threads from the past all rolled into one

Zero Plasma

Jun 14, 2004
OMG! Portishead!!!! Beth Gibbons is awsome. I met her once, let me tell you the story...

Don't worry, It will help me make my point, witch is obviousely not meade yet. I was traveling the world like everyone cool. Anywayz I was one the subway traveling to Georgia (by the way, be careful, they are next to Florida, and you know what that means). Anyways, on the subway, people write stuff on the windows, so I was entertaining myself by reading some stuff:

Behold, the phophet, Lord Spiothrignichter (I remember that perfectly because it is the word Spy with y changed into iothrignichter). He will save all who travel through the magic intercontinental subway system. All who ride will lose weight like the subway dud, Jered (whose last name is McGinny , which if you spell it backwards is YnnigCm.... change the Y to an S, reverse nn, then replace it with piothr, then gCM with gnichter, you get Spiothrignichter). Anyways, there was this fat kid next to me reading it too (I'm a part time bolemic so I'm not fat). Suddenly a light flashed and he was skinny, but he was still really mean.

Didi I tell you what he did to me before I started reading about Lord Spiothrignichter, I was sittin down reading the gloompaper (I call it that because it is so sad) and the fatass come and sits down next to me and eats a bannana. I'm like... hello did you bring some for everyone, and he is like, sorry sir, I did not, i beg of your forgiveness. Anywayz as you can see he is a real jackass. I digress.

So now he is skinny and looks like a tomato. I was like, what the hell. So I started reading the story one the window more. This Lord Spiothrignichter seems to have figured out how to use photon injection to alter the atomic makeup of people into that of vegies. I took a few classes about econimics, so i really understood it. Anyways it seems that subway (not the one I'm riding the sandwich folks) is growing genetically altered people-vegies.

Soon several suits walked in and took away the tomato kid. I heard this cutting noise. The person next to me apparently was cutting his fingerprints off. I don't know why. Then I ran after the suits and fought them off, because I was hungrier. Because i am so good at halo, I used some moves, and was soon triumphant. I then proceeded to sample the large tomato, which at this point was trying to fight me off- pretty hard when I just ate the hands. THen Beth Gibbons walked by and said something about how nobody lioved her more than tomato boy, where she fought me off using her magic darkness powers, and ate the damn tomatao kid. After it wore off, and things started to become normal, the police took me and offered me a job fighting subway metapowerveggies.

Be careful so then the.... no mommy I don't wanna go to kindergardten. Come on bitch, you cant make me go, I wanna be like daddy and make people worship me. Its not fair that daddy is Gesis2halomaster. I wanna stay and play WoW. Wow! so in conclusion, you grammar a##hoes gotta friggin chill. Its all good man. You gotta stop beatin down on american people. We are busy. We don't wanna spelcheck. It takes to long, and I love your stupid remarks. In conclusion of conclusion: Spiothrignichter is yo daddy. Te hee hee. Grammer bitches. Chech this:

I lOVE to $tudy grmma cuz coputaz can do thu same chit suppamonkey computas can do unlles you don got da speel chekin and gramma chekin. THank you