Ok, so on THursday I won an auction for an Xbox 360 Platinum. It was $412 shipped (less than I'd pay if i paid retail + sales tax). So I emailed the seller to see when he'd be shipping. He told me Friday that he expected to get his shipment this coming week and ship before the week's end.
So would you complain and ask for a refund or give the seller a little leeway (sp) given the good price? The seller has 98% positive feedback w/ about 300 feedbacks.
I paid with my visa so worst case I can contest the charge w/ CapitalOne.
I dont mind being patient (sp, again) since I have to work 60hrs the next 2 weeks anyway. Just wanted to get the anandtech OT'ers opinions.
So would you complain and ask for a refund or give the seller a little leeway (sp) given the good price? The seller has 98% positive feedback w/ about 300 feedbacks.
I paid with my visa so worst case I can contest the charge w/ CapitalOne.
I dont mind being patient (sp, again) since I have to work 60hrs the next 2 weeks anyway. Just wanted to get the anandtech OT'ers opinions.