i recommend calling back in about a week to cancel. they'll ask why, tell em dropped calls, not enough minutes, night time too late, poor reception, and so forth.. they should then ask, "well what are you looking for".. tell em, they should offer you a better plan.. at least this works with sprint...
here's what i did.. i bought a
phone from bestbuy and called sprint and activated it w/ a 29.99 plan which included 250 anytime, and 3000 n/w, where n/w started at 9 PM.. i call back about a week later (still within my 14 days before 150$ cancellation fee is charged) to cancel and tell em what i want.. i end up with 550 anytime, 3000 n/w, nighttime starts at 8 PM, first incoming minute free (crucial right there), free web access.. i dont remember what else, but i also get $.50 credited to my account for every dropped call i get... there's of course a monthly limit, but its still free money for dropped calls....
anyways, there's more in the hot deals forum about all this if you want more info, and congrats on the new phone...