Pakistan daily Dawn reported Sept. 15 that the United
Arab Emirates is reviewing its relationship with the
Taliban following this week's attacks in the United
States, citing an unnamed, official source within the
UAE government. The UAE, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia
are the only three states to recognize the Taliban
government in Afghanistan. 1652 GMT, 091601
Middle East Newsline reported that Iran attacked the
camp of the Iranian opposition group Mujahadeen-e
Khalq Organization (MKO), which is based in Iraq, on
Sept. 13. According to a statement released by the
MKO, five missiles were fired at a camp in Jaalaula,
northeast of Baghdad, missing the base but injuring
several Iraqis. Reports of the attack are unconfirmed. A
similar but larger attack was carried out in April of this
year. 2154 GMT, 091601
Middle East Newsline reports that Saudi Arabia arrested
two supporters of Osama bin Laden this weekend in
Mecca. One of the men was identified as a Pakistani
national and the other an Indian national, and both are
reportedly members of the Muhajiroun group which
represents bin Laden interests abroad. Citing Saudi
opposition sources who expect further arrests, the
report says that the detentions appear to be part of a
larger crackdown on bin Laden supporters in the
country. 2054 GMT, 091601
ITAR-TASS news agency has reported that Russian
Army Division 201 based in Tajikistan has been placed
on "heightened combat alert." Two regiments of the
7,000-man division are located 60 miles from the
Afghan border. Russia has several military units based
in Tajikistan, including some 10,000 men patrolling the
Tajik-Afghan border, according to AFP. 1944 GMT,
London's Sunday Telegraph reports that a terror cell
funded by Osama bin Laden plotted to attack the
European Parliament building in Strasbourg, France last
February. According to the report, the group planned to
release nerve gas during a session of parliament in
February of this year, but their plan was foiled by
German police investigating another cell in Frankfurt.
Officials reportedly arrested six men based in Britain
and charged them under the Prevention of Terrorism
Act, but charges were later dropped "for security
reasons." 1839 GMT, 091601
BBC reports that at least three terrorist cells linked to
Osama bin Laden are based in the United Kingdom.
Intelligence sources cited by the BBC say that some of
the planning for the attacks in the United States may
have taken place in London, including recruitment and
training of volunteers, securing false passports and
communications equipment and raising of funds for
weapons purchases. 1832 GMT, 091601
Pakistan News Service reported Sept. 16 that Pakistan
has pulled back its senior diplomatic staff from Kabul,
including its ambassador Arif Ayub. A senior Foreign
Office official stated the withdrawal was done for
security purposes but that the embassy in Kabul would
remain open. This has not been confirmed by other
sources. 1731 GMT, 091601
Pakistan News Service reports that Pakistan has frozen
the bank accounts of some 300 important Afghan
nationals, including "present and former ministers and
war commanders." Citing high-ranking sources in the
Pakistani banking sector, the news service reported
that the move was initiated Sept. 15 by the Sate Bank
of Pakistan. 1710 GMT, 091601
Arab Emirates is reviewing its relationship with the
Taliban following this week's attacks in the United
States, citing an unnamed, official source within the
UAE government. The UAE, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia
are the only three states to recognize the Taliban
government in Afghanistan. 1652 GMT, 091601
Middle East Newsline reported that Iran attacked the
camp of the Iranian opposition group Mujahadeen-e
Khalq Organization (MKO), which is based in Iraq, on
Sept. 13. According to a statement released by the
MKO, five missiles were fired at a camp in Jaalaula,
northeast of Baghdad, missing the base but injuring
several Iraqis. Reports of the attack are unconfirmed. A
similar but larger attack was carried out in April of this
year. 2154 GMT, 091601
Middle East Newsline reports that Saudi Arabia arrested
two supporters of Osama bin Laden this weekend in
Mecca. One of the men was identified as a Pakistani
national and the other an Indian national, and both are
reportedly members of the Muhajiroun group which
represents bin Laden interests abroad. Citing Saudi
opposition sources who expect further arrests, the
report says that the detentions appear to be part of a
larger crackdown on bin Laden supporters in the
country. 2054 GMT, 091601
ITAR-TASS news agency has reported that Russian
Army Division 201 based in Tajikistan has been placed
on "heightened combat alert." Two regiments of the
7,000-man division are located 60 miles from the
Afghan border. Russia has several military units based
in Tajikistan, including some 10,000 men patrolling the
Tajik-Afghan border, according to AFP. 1944 GMT,
London's Sunday Telegraph reports that a terror cell
funded by Osama bin Laden plotted to attack the
European Parliament building in Strasbourg, France last
February. According to the report, the group planned to
release nerve gas during a session of parliament in
February of this year, but their plan was foiled by
German police investigating another cell in Frankfurt.
Officials reportedly arrested six men based in Britain
and charged them under the Prevention of Terrorism
Act, but charges were later dropped "for security
reasons." 1839 GMT, 091601
BBC reports that at least three terrorist cells linked to
Osama bin Laden are based in the United Kingdom.
Intelligence sources cited by the BBC say that some of
the planning for the attacks in the United States may
have taken place in London, including recruitment and
training of volunteers, securing false passports and
communications equipment and raising of funds for
weapons purchases. 1832 GMT, 091601
Pakistan News Service reported Sept. 16 that Pakistan
has pulled back its senior diplomatic staff from Kabul,
including its ambassador Arif Ayub. A senior Foreign
Office official stated the withdrawal was done for
security purposes but that the embassy in Kabul would
remain open. This has not been confirmed by other
sources. 1731 GMT, 091601
Pakistan News Service reports that Pakistan has frozen
the bank accounts of some 300 important Afghan
nationals, including "present and former ministers and
war commanders." Citing high-ranking sources in the
Pakistani banking sector, the news service reported
that the move was initiated Sept. 15 by the Sate Bank
of Pakistan. 1710 GMT, 091601