Funny lenscrafters story.
A few years ago I bought a pair of glasses there. A few days later, the screw fell out and my glasses fell apart. No big deal, I'm an engineer, I understand that these things happen. I didn't have a replacement screw, so I just took the glasses back to the store to have them put a new screw in. They are usually really good about fixing things like this, quick and easy. So I walk in, explain the situation, and the girl takes my glasses and walks off into the lab to fix them up. After 10 minutes, I'm beginning to worry. It's 1 screw, and it should take 30 seconds. Finally, the girl returns, and hands me my glasses, still in pieces. She had tried to install the wrong size screw, overtightened, and broke the thread off in the hole. They didn't have an exact replacement for the glasses, in fact, no store on the east coast did, and I'd spent a LOT of time looking for them. Instead, they offered me any set of glasses in the next tier down. If you were watching closely, you probably could have seen the veins in my forehead bursting at that moment. I proceeded to spend the next 30 minutes ranting and raving at progressively higher authorities at the shop until I walked out of there with a damn nice pair of specs that were quite a bit more expensive than the ones I had.
There is no moral to the story, but it certainly was entertaining.