University of Phoenix


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2001
So I have an opportunity to get tuition assistance from work to enroll in a Master's program from University of Phoenix. I was wondering if any of you have done their program and if it's worth it or not. I'm a bit leery of online degrees and from what I've read online it seems UOP churns out a ton of them.

I just feel that if a Master's from them doesn't carry some weight then it'll be a waste of my time to pursue. Thoughts?


Nov 11, 2004
I would think that a Master's from UoP is better than no Master's but I would understand many places not taking them seriously.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2002
I always thought the whole "Phoenix University will give a BA/MA to any idiot" thing was just a stereotype.

I know someone with a BA from UofP and I consider him one of the smartest people I know. Got him a job at Microsoft in Redmond.


Aug 8, 2001
For $4,000, I can hook you up with a Master's from the University of Crono. We are accredited in 49 universes and 937 timelines.

You also get a shiny sticker when you complete the 1 week course and receive your degree. It's even scratch and sniff (the degree certificate, not the sticker)!.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Depends on what the master's degree is in, and what it's for. If it's to get a master's degree merely for your teaching credentials, then it's on a par with any other master's degree. I've gone 3 routes - I've attended master's degree classes in person (my best learning experience, albeit not in pursuit of a particular master's degree - I just wanted to take those courses during the summer). I've also started one master's degree via distance learning (not really online - classes conducted at one center with students at 3 other centers. That was at University of Buffalo. The program was very new, and I learned ABSOLUTELY NOTHING - it was a complete waste of money (except to have that piece of paper.) To put it in persective, I was taking two courses during one summer session. The teachers decided to get cutesy and apply one of those new fads in education - team teaching. So, they took turns and blended two courses together. One was a technology in education course, the other had something to do with gender issues/family heritage/bullshit. The final project for BOTH courses - 50 PERCENT of the grade in each course, was a ***PowerPoint Presentation***. It had to be at least (*gasp*) EIGHT slides long, and about an ancester in my family & related to my ancestral heritage. I've seen more difficult assignments given to middle school students.

And, the last one was an online master's degree program. After that experience, I don't put a lot of weight on an online degree. Come to think of it, 3 different universities, and all three master's degree programs seemed to be more about the university collecting tuition money than about learning - I would rank all of my undergraduate work - Alfred University, St. Bonaventure University, University of Pittsburgh all as superior to two of the three master's degree programs. Buff State (Buffalo)'s master's degree program in physics education still trumped them all. I believe part of that program has an online component for a few of the courses.


Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2001
My uncle has a PhD and MBA (Accounting) from University of Phoenix. He does well for himself, making 6 figures.


Platinum Member
Oct 24, 2006
My brother got his Master's from UoP, and he lives in Dallas, works at the Jack in the Box headquarters as the Marketing Director making 6 figures. I'd say he's doing pretty decent for himself.

He even said if he wanted to, he could have flown to the UoP and been in the graduation ceremonies.


Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Kanalua
My uncle has a PhD and MBA (Accounting) from University of Phoenix. He does well for himself, making 6 figures.

An online PhD program? I just don't understand that.


Oct 24, 2005
If I saw University of Phoenix on a resume I'd be pissed at HR/Recruiting for letting it get through the filter or take it as a practical joke.


Dec 6, 2004
About that first review, I have to agree that they are like sales people. They somehow got information about my girlfriend and hounded her for weeks to get her to sign up, leaving messages and such. The last conversation went like this..

UOP: Hi *sales pitch*
GF: Not interested
UOP:Why arent you?
GF: Not interested, I have to go.
UOP: Where are you going huh
GF: .... None of your business bye
UOP: Well it is!
GF *Hangs up*


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2002
Originally posted by: zerocool84
I would think that a Master's from UoP is better than no Master's but I would understand many places not taking them seriously.

I throw away any resumes with UofP degrees, Masters or not. I prefer a top 10 engineering school Bachelor's over a UofP Masters any given day.

Yes, I'll miss the a few true good candidates with UofP degrees, but I don't got the time of the day to determine how good they really are in a short interview. Especially in this market, there are plenty of people from name brand universities for me to choose from, I am always going for those graduates first as opposed to UofP grads given that all other factors remain the same. I get 100 resumes, I am only going to do 5 phone interviews and 2 in person interviews for one spot, there are way too many candidates that graduated from real universities for me to choose from, UofP grads just don't stand out in this market.


Golden Member
Mar 23, 2000
Originally posted by: AznAnarchy99
About that first review, I have to agree that they are like sales people. They somehow got information about my girlfriend and hounded her for weeks to get her to sign up, leaving messages and such. The last conversation went like this..

UOP: Hi *sales pitch*
GF: Not interested
UOP:Why arent you?
GF: Not interested, I have to go.
UOP: Where are you going huh
GF: .... None of your business bye
UOP: Well it is!
GF *Hangs up*

From experience, I'd have to agree with this. I made the mistake of filling out the contact me info on their page. Within 5 minutes he calls started. All I asked for was for them to mail me some information about their MBA program. He said they couldn't (too many different types of MBA programs). The guy said that they would need to schedule an appointment to talk about my career goals. Fine... Talked to the guy the next day on the way to work. Told him I wasn't interested in them anymore. He tried to guilt trip me, talking about how I need to do this for my wife and daughters. At that point I just hung up.

They kept calling me a few times a week and I kept telling them no. Finally I threatened to take matters higher up if they didn't stop calling and they finally stopped.

A month later, I get a call saying that I scheduled another appointement with them to talk about their program and when I called their BS on that they got angry and said that was a lie and that I was just trying to waste their time.


Capt Caveman

Jan 30, 2005
Originally posted by: Kanalua
My uncle has a PhD and MBA (Accounting) from University of Phoenix. He does well for himself, making 6 figures.

Originally posted by: dlock13
My brother got his Master's from UoP, and he lives in Dallas, works at the Jack in the Box headquarters as the Marketing Director making 6 figures. I'd say he's doing pretty decent for himself.

He even said if he wanted to, he could have flown to the UoP and been in the graduation ceremonies.

And I'm guessing both of these folks had these jobs prior to getting their degrees from UoP.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2003
My last interview that I had they asked me if my masters was done in a classroom or on the internet.

They were definitely not interested in internet degrees.

Dear Summer

Golden Member
Sep 30, 2008
Originally posted by: EMPshockwave82
My last interview that I had they asked me if my masters was done in a classroom or on the internet.

They were definitely not interested in internet degrees.

is it from U of P?

which university?


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2003
Originally posted by: Dear Summer
Originally posted by: EMPshockwave82
My last interview that I had they asked me if my masters was done in a classroom or on the internet.

They were definitely not interested in internet degrees.

is it from U of P?

which university?

I got it from Eastern Illinois University.

A pretty well known school in IL but I was in Nebraska.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2006
Originally posted by: Imdmn04
Originally posted by: zerocool84
I would think that a Master's from UoP is better than no Master's but I would understand many places not taking them seriously.

I throw away any resumes with UofP degrees, Masters or not. I prefer a top 10 engineering school Bachelor's over a UofP Masters any given day.

Yes, I'll miss the a few true good candidates with UofP degrees, but I don't got the time of the day to determine how good they really are in a short interview. Especially in this market, there are plenty of people from name brand universities for me to choose from, I am always going for those graduates first as opposed to UofP grads given that all other factors remain the same. I get 100 resumes, I am only going to do 5 phone interviews and 2 in person interviews for one spot, there are way too many candidates that graduated from real universities for me to choose from, UofP grads just don't stand out in this market.

what if their bachelors was from a name brand school? do you look at that before tossing them?

i dont have a UoP degree, so im not bitter. but i think people are letting the interwebz decide for them on these types of degrees. any degree is only worth what that person gets out of the program, and top of their class from a "name brand" school could still be an idiot, from what ive seen.