Unfranchise | Market America. How to convince friend against?


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2004
My best friends sister Lisa is very "excited" about getting into Unfranchise, Market America. However she wanted my advice before taking the plunge into this company. I, for one, don't want her to enter this company. Think what you want about Unfranchise (Pyramid Sheme, a scam, or even a legitimate business etc), but I simply do not like them. She is having me over this evening to watch a promotional (more like propaganda) DVD and then soon after someone from the company is coming over "on their own time" to discuss any questions I may have.

I would like to know what you guys would do to convince Lisa to reconsider joining this company, and any other questions you could pose to their representative (preferably to put them off their game so Lisa may reconsider). The meeting is at 9:00pm (central, USA) tonight so I've only got about two hours to go.

I've compiled a document that I am thinking of taking over there, it includes questions to the presenter.

Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e6IQCNvjiYmU0hekg8LAnZcZHlY8kEK6CtKeDRjdUt0/edit?hl=en_US

I apologize if you believe this company is a legitimate business (and it very well may be), but Lisa has a history of taking that "leap of faith" without doing much research ahead of time. I at least want her to think about this before putting all this time and money into it. I'd like tonight to end on a note of ether:

A. "I've reconsidered and am not joining Market America.
B: "I'd like some time to think about it."
C: At least not her blindly saying, "Sign me up!"
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Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2004
No idea but probably 15% of the members in that MLM will make money and less than 1% will make over $1k


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
You won't convince her. Once she has it in her head that it'll work for her, trying to convince her otherwise will just meet more resistance.
"Why don't you want to see me succeed?"

Just let her do her thing and learn the hard way.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2004
No idea but probably 15% of the members in that MLM will make money and less than 1% will make over $1k

This is something I could say but Lisa (or the presenter) might as well say thats just a number I pulled out of a hat. It could be 20, 30% 50% that will make money, no?


Nov 23, 2001
That just sounds all bad. If she had half a brain, she would run fast.


May 31, 2003
My parents, immediate relatives were into that stuff 10+ years ago when it all started. Times may have changed, but it was a standard ponzi scheme back then. I saw as much as 60% of my family and their friends into the whole lagapalooza of Market America. It took over as their full time jobs for some of them.

Fast forward to 2011, none of them were successful. They all know of a few who were, but those were the few 1% who made it to the top. My mom believed if she had a bigger social connection, somewhere as big as Steve Jobs and his sheeple, she could have made it.

Edit: and yeah, I was also constantly invited to these things. I attended a few just for the sake of the people who asked me to. There isn't anything at those groupie first time meetings except they try to work your mind and get you to join while remaining friendly. Your friend would have better luck starting her own internet business than this kind of a thing in terms of making money.
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Senior member
Apr 9, 2006
Your best friend's sister? Do you want to bang her? That's the only reason I can think of why you would agree to listen to a propaganda video and go through with all of this or would even care about it. Do you think that her family, brother, and other friends have not already told her all of this? Are you the knight in shining armor who is going to rescue her?


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2004
Your best friend's sister? Do you want to bang her? That's the only reason I can think of why you would agree to listen to a propaganda video and go through with all of this or would even care about it. Do you think that her family, brother, and other friends have not already told her all of this? Are you the knight in shining armor who is going to rescue her?

I've known her and her family for 9 years and she hasn't talked to any one else yet because she asked me to come by and see/hear it first. Anything else I mention will just feed more comments like this, and with only 25 minutes before she gets here I'd like to 'try' and remain at least somewhat productive.

Secondly, I appreciate the stories you've shared. I'm just going to need to come up with something to say to try and convince her to reconsider this. Or at least, question it.


Dec 11, 2002
My beef with these companies is that they're more oriented towards recruiting people on the basis of a get rich scheme over the products for their own merit. Any company that's more focused on a get rich scheme over the merit of their products should scream an obvious scam.


Oct 15, 1999
Ask what the average member/employee/contractor whatever they call it makes. I did that with an amway guy, and to his credit, he gave me the answer. At that time it was around $100 a month.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
I don't care who asks, Friend or Family, I don't go to those types of meetings. You've heard one, you've heard them all.


Jul 6, 2008
I think the question is:

Do you make more money by,

A> Selling things
B> Recruiting others to sell stuff

The secondary question is

Does that company make more money by

A> Selling things
B> Selling training videos, or conventions / retreats, and any other "sales tools"


Oct 10, 2000
My best friends sister Lisa is very "excited" about getting into Unfranchise, Market America. However she wanted my advice before taking the plunge into this company. I, for one, don't want her to enter this company. Think what you want about Unfranchise (Pyramid Sheme, a scam, or even a legitimate business etc), but I simply do not like them. She is having me over this evening to watch a promotional (more like propaganda) DVD and then soon after someone from the company is coming over "on their own time" to discuss any questions I may have.

I would like to know what you guys would do to convince Lisa to reconsider joining this company, and any other questions you could pose to their representative (preferably to put them off their game so Lisa may reconsider). The meeting is at 9:00pm (central, USA) tonight so I've only got about two hours to go.

I've compiled a document that I am thinking of taking over there, it includes questions to the presenter.

Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e6IQCNvjiYmU0hekg8LAnZcZHlY8kEK6CtKeDRjdUt0/edit?hl=en_US

I apologize if you believe this company is a legitimate business (and it very well may be), but Lisa has a history of taking that "leap of faith" without doing much research ahead of time. I at least want her to think about this before putting all this time and money into it. I'd like tonight to end on a note of ether:

A. "I've reconsidered and am not joining Market America.
B: "I'd like some time to think about it."
C: At least not her blindly saying, "Sign me up!"

All these stupid schemes work on the same principle:
Recruit as many misguided people as you can, because all of them will be able to sell shit to their friends/family. Every new "employee" means 4-5 sales to their relatives. The only successful people in the scamway sort of deals are the ones selling training material and crap like that.

If the product they were pushing was any good, they'd be selling it direct.
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Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2004
Alright I convinced her to think about it - before she was almost certain on it so it's going in the right direction.

Thanks all. /thread.