Originally posted by: rbloedow
HOw long have you had your current job, how much do you currently make (you cannot determine how much you're going to make unless you have numbers from your current job. What you're making not determines how much unemployment you'll be recieving)?
Originally posted by: optoman
Probably around $500 a week before taxes.
Originally posted by: tarheelmm
You will max out for what you are eligible for. I beleive I was getting $280 a week after taxes.
Originally posted by: optoman
Yes you will max out the amount you will get. I think you only need to work for a year to get the full amount. Every state is a little different. In MA it was something like 60% of your original salary but only up to $512 a week. You will still have to pay state and federal tax. I don't think you have to pay social security. Take about a third of whatever you are going to pay for taxes.