Unable to config SMC 7004 Router with my Cable


Senior member
Feb 26, 2000
Okay, I just received my SMC from Amazon, but I am unable to get it working with my setup. I have Verizon Worldwind cable service. I have a static IP and I need to set host and domain names. The router will not allow a static IP and host name. In order to input a host, I need to select dynamic IP. This situation is similiar to the problem experience by an @home user in another thread. I tried configuring the router as it details for an @home user selecting dynamic and putting in my host and domain, but this does not work. If I try static with domain name under DHCP settings, I still cannot connect.

Please advise! I have a 2 computer network with a server on the way and I need this baby working.


Junior Member
Jun 13, 2001
I recently bought the same router. I am on @home with Cox Cable and I only have to enter my host name in order to get on. They told me that it's DHCP but it's not true DHCP. I am assigned an IP address but it's setup for Dynamic for the future when Cox will go to a true DHCP. I don't supposed any of this helped since it sounds like you've tried all the combination of Dynamic and Static, in addition to using just the host name by itself.


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2000
ATT@Home for me, my SMC will not connect when setup as they say for @Home with a dynamic IP. I have no problem when I specify my static IP, and Host name.

I have never been able to connect when using a dynamic IP, with or with out a router.

my .02