'Unabashed Liberal' Federal Judge Racially Profiles Home Invaders

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Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2012

Federal Judge Susan Dlott wrote the book on racial profiling in 2002.
Last week, she ripped it into one million tiny pieces when three black people broke into her $8 million Cincinnati home and started beating her and her 79-year old husband.

“There’s three black men with guns at our house,” Dlott told a 911 operator after she escaped the home invasion and ran to her neighbor’s house one mile away.

And just in case the operator did not hear her the first time, Dlott said it again: “My husband and the dogs are still there. There are three black men with guns and masks at the house.”

That’s Racial Profiling 101: Identifying the criminals by race, as if that had something to do with it...

Dlott became a national heroine of the movement to outlaw -- and define -- racial profiling in 2002 ...

And cops were always picking on black people for no reason what so ever... That’s how bad it was.

That is what the NAACP said when it sued the city in federal court. Once the NAACP lawsuit was assigned to Dlott, they consolidated all their cases in her court. Because everyone knew they had a kindred spirit on the bench in Dlott.

At the time, the Cincinnati Enquirer described her as an “unabashed liberal.” Which to them was a compliment. “Now the future of race relations in the Queen City may be in her hands.

... By the time the trial was over, black people in Cincinnati knew they had a new champion, Dlott. And this champion let everyone know that from then on, police would be keeping better statistics of any disparity between white people and black people who are stopped and/or arrested.

Because any disparity between white crime and black crime was the result of one thing and one thing only: White racism manifest in racial profiling...

And that is why so many people in her hometown and around the country were a bit surprised she was so quick to pull the race card in her call to 911: After all, we know far more black people in Cincinnati are arrested for burglary and home invasion. But in her world, white people do it too. In the same amount. They just don’t get caught.

Her friends took to TV and the internet to remind everyone how Dlott has pioneered so many “civil rights” decisions. And how her wealthy trial lawyer husband is a lifetime board member of the NAACP.

As if somehow everyone should overlook how Judge Dlott was so eager to racially profile the people who threw her husband down a flight of steps. Many did not, and were happy to say so in the various accounts of this crime on the web:

“She didn't care about their age, height, weight, clothing, facial hair. Nope. They weren't, "teens", now but "THREE BLACK MEN!”...

“She should have to apologize to these children in court for causing them all these problems. They could have been shot and killed by the very Police she ruled were profiling black children.”

“I hope I'm a juror on that case, ‘they're victims of white racism, NOT GUILTY.’ “

“Because of people like her. Shaming people who have reason to live with a healthy dose of fear by calling them racists. Judge Dlott's Ivory Tower was invaded and she became one of us for a moment. Oh the shame! Hello pot? This is the kettle. You're black.”

The three home invaders who just happened to be black were soon caught. And remain in jail...

That did not sit well with the mother of one of the alleged invaders, who told reporters her son was a good boy who did not normally do stuff like that.
How can these three youths expect justice when even an 'Unabashed Liberal' Federal Judge resorts to racial profiling?

#Unabashed Liberal Judges Matter?


Weak and dishonest crap like this has no place anywhere on our forums.

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Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
Gotta be a joke. Expecting PC while being robbed and beat? lol
Jan 25, 2011
This has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever seen in my life. A description of suspects is not profiling. It's a description.

Oh. I see it's from "American Thinker". Nevermind. It explains why it's so unabashedly stupid.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006

Federal Judge Susan Dlott wrote the book on racial profiling in 2002.
How can these three youths expect justice when even an 'Unabashed Liberal' Federal Judge resorts to racial profiling?

#Unabashed Liberal Judges Matter?


lolwut? While I agree other identifying information would also be helpful, it is in no way 'racial profiling' to accurately describe the race of people you see committing a crime.

I don't think either you or that website know what racial profiling is.


Nov 17, 2002
quite the website too. holy fuckballs... the nutzo is strong on that site.
Yep, American Thinker targets those who need someone else to tell them what to think. Food for rubes. I think it, Breitbart, and Infowars account for about 90% of the dumbest threads here.


Oct 18, 2009
I don't think either you or that website know what racial profiling is.

I was thinking the same thing. Neither the OP nor that waste of storage space web site has a clue as to what profiling means.

Oh well, click bait for the HS dropouts, commonly known as Trump supporters. ;)


Apr 10, 2000
Yep, American Thinker targets those who need someone else to tell them what to think. Food for rubes. I think it, Breitbart, and Infowars account for about 90% of the dumbest threads here.

I started reading, thought it sounded idiotic, then I realized the link was from American Thinker and stopped reading.


Jul 2, 2005
Yep, American Thinker targets those who need someone else to tell them what to think. Food for rubes. I think it, Breitbart, and Infowars account for about 90% of the dumbest threads here.

Nope, 90% of the dumbest threads are probably from huffpo, dailycos, ny times and other similar garbage.
Nov 29, 2006
Nothing wrong with racial profiling IMO. She gave them a description that would help the cops find them easier. Even though they had masks maybe their hands were visible so she could tell. Better than her just saying "some humans robbed us" well thanks lady. could you be more vague for us.


Nov 17, 2002
Nope, 90% of the dumbest threads are probably from huffpo, dailycos, ny times and other similar garbage.
While you are highly partisan, you aren't dumb enough to actually believe that. The simple fact is that a big chunk of America's conservatives depend on openly dishonest propaganda sites to preserve their irrational views. They (you?) love to be lied to, and sites like American Thinker and Breitbart deliver their daily pot of propaganda. You (collectively) own this sad state of affairs, no matter how loathe you may be to acknowledge it.


Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2012
Law360: Federal Judge, Disbarred Atty Robbed At Gunpoint In Home
...The officer made what he initially believed to be a routine traffic stop, Zumbiel said, until he noticed a large number of fur coats in the car.

&#8220;The car was filled with them and the truck wasn&#8217;t even closed, they had so many,&#8221; he said.

A search of the vehicle also turned up a wallet with identification belonging to Stanley Chesley and other property in the car belonged to Chesley&#8217;s wife, U.S. District Judge Susan Dlott, he said.

Minutes earlier, the trio had kicked in the basement door of the couple's home and threatened Chesley and Dlott with guns before fleeing with property...

Chesley, a once-prominent plaintiffs attorney, was among a group of lawyers who represented a class of users of the diet drug fen-phen and were accused of siphoning tens of millions of dollars from clients after a $200 million settlement with the drug's manufacturers.

Chesley was later disbarred for his involvement in the fee scheme; a Kentucky judge last year ruled that Chesley was liable for the uncollected portion of a $42 million judgment stemming from a lawsuit brought by the plaintiffs he represented...

A 2009 story in the Cincinnati Enquirer describes the Dlott-Chesley home as an &#8220;elegant French chateau&#8221; and the single most expensive single-family home listed at that time in the Cincinnati area.
Love me, love me, love me!
I'm a liberal

In every American community there are varying shades of political opinion. One of the shadiest of these is the liberals. An outspoken group on many subjects, ten degrees to the left of center in good times, ten degrees to the right of center if it affects them personally. --Phil Ochs 1966
#Rich liberal lives matter

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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
It's important for those with a CBD, a thinking defect marked by both denial of reality and a desire for conformity, to get all their alternative realities in a row. In this way the defectives can lean on each other for support. And, as normal people who do not suffer this defect all see the same actually real reality, they can project onto normal people the notion the normal are also doing the same thing.


Oct 18, 2009
Nothing wrong with racial profiling IMO. She gave them a description that would help the cops find them easier. Even though they had masks maybe their hands were visible so she could tell. Better than her just saying "some humans robbed us" well thanks lady. could you be more vague for us.

Again, what is being described, both by you and the OP's BS article, is NOT profiling.


Jul 2, 2005
While you are highly partisan, you aren't dumb enough to actually believe that. The simple fact is that a big chunk of America's conservatives depend on openly dishonest propaganda sites to preserve their irrational views. They (you?) love to be lied to, and sites like American Thinker and Breitbart deliver their daily pot of propaganda. You (collectively) own this sad state of affairs, no matter how loathe you may be to acknowledge it.

bwahahahaha, it's hilarious that you actually believe this tripe, and that you actually see yourself as not highly partisan. If that isn't self delusion, nothing is.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
bwahahahaha, it's hilarious that you actually believe this tripe, and that you actually see yourself as not highly partisan. If that isn't self delusion, nothing is.

Do you believe yourself to be highly partisan? Serious question.


Jul 2, 2005
I don't see any profiling in what the judge did. She described the criminals, nothing wrong with providing an accurate description of the perp to police.


Nov 17, 2002
bwahahahaha, it's hilarious that you actually believe this tripe, and that you actually see yourself as not highly partisan. If that isn't self delusion, nothing is.
Whatever. Aside from the reading impairment you've just demonstrated, you are out on the right fringe far enough to make most everyone else look leftist. That's the beauty of the bubble in which you immerse yourself. You make your own reality.

No matter how loathe you are to admit it, reputable news sources like the NYT don't deliberately and repeatedly publish outright lies. They also publish corrections when they make mistakes and on those rare occasions where a reporter intentionally lies in a story. That's one of the many differences between them and the propaganda sites you embrace. This OP is a perfect example of such nutter propaganda, crafted to fire up pliable conservatives who can't think for themselves.
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