Un-official US Foreign Policy: A Major War every Ten Years


Oct 25, 2002
anyone else here heard/read of this unofficial policy? I remember reading about this about seven years ago in one of the major think-thank's journal, but forgot which one it was. Not sure if it was Foreign Affairs or one of the books advertised in it.

Nevertheless, it makes sense. aside from the economic benefits that war brings (the extension of the dollar into once hostile countries; new markets for american products, etc...), it also refreshes our forces in ways that training could never do, while short of having a major impact that a global conflict would ensue. Winnable regional conflicts or regime changes also does the double duty of further isolating our enemies by limiting their reach closer and closer to home (look at Iran) and it wins us new allies. With these allies come new bases of influence that can either be used to change the dynamics of a particular region or left to incubate until they become of further use (the Horn of Africa incubated for well over a decade until the war on terror put it to use and Central Asia is incubating until something comes up over there).

Is this policy a common thread among Presidents? The answer seems to be an unequivocal yes. After the second world war, every competent president has supported a major conflict one form or another. Eisenhower supported the Korean War; Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon supported the Vietnam War. Even where there wasn't major conflict, there was major action. For example, Reagan instigated and oversaw the bankruptcy of the Soviet Union, which led to its eventual collapse. Bush senior oversaw the first Gulf War. Clinton oversaw the establishment of bases on the Horn of Africa. And Bush junior oversaw the Afghan and Iraqi conflict.

War may be unpopular, but it can be a powerful economic and political tool when used in the most opportune manner. Other big powers can do little but watch and protest. As the world has witnessed, all our enemies are surrounded (by our own soldiers or allies). Their own foreign policies are thwarted at every whim. Their leaders are almost always on the defensive and ridiculed. The villianization begins.

Where is the next conflict? Who knows. things like these aren't planned decades ahead. but the pieces have to start falling in place sooner or later. Diplomatic shots are usually fired first. Whether ideological, political, or economic, the interests of all three have to be critical for the next conflict to occur. As with any aftermath, perhaps there has to be a cooling period or a time to get our and the conqueree's house in order. Nevertheless, in a decade's time, the case will be made. The villians' name would've been announced to the world. The debate would've commenced. The endgame would've concluded. And the eagle would've landed.


Platinum Member
May 21, 2001
Well, Dari similar thaughts have crossed my mind some 15yrs ago, when I was still an oppressed child in EastGermany and the SU was having their desaster in Afghanistan. I was always debating with my friends and came to the conclusion that both the Sov. Union and the US are the Evils in this world, and that they both need to start new wars every now and then to test their new weapons and keep their Armies trained. We really believed that's the sole purpose all these "little" wars served. Off course as kids u were not thinking about geopolitical influence and such so it made sense to us at the time...

Another funny thing from those times: In the beginning of the 80s (around 83-85 i guess) I was always in fear if I would wake up the next morning. Each night before going to bed I looked out of the windows and hoped to see the sun again next day and always feared to see the nuke mushroom at the horizon.... That was when the PershingII were stationed in W. Germany, that is why for me Pres. Reagan is still the most apalling-nightmare producing man I can remember from my childhood - even though I nowadays know that his policy helped to bring the Russians down on their knees.

So what does this have to do with your thread - nothing I guess, but dont think this "war every 10yrs" is anything more than coincidence. The only thing that is for sure is: There are some countries in this world that can and will use violence as political means and therefore have a whole different thinking about wars and violence....


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2002
that iraqi thing was a skirmish. as said by that political guy that was on jay leno, its only a war if they [can] fight back


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2002
anyone else here heard/read of this unofficial policy?

shhhh the military industrial complex doesn't want the public to know!!


Platinum Member
Mar 26, 2003
Thats it now I am pissed. Are you telling me we have to wait 9years and 9months BEFORE we can invade Iran? Maybe 10 years is just a rule of thumb and we could just flow from Iraq to Iran to Syria to Sudan to N. Korea to Malaysia to Sudia Arabia to Jordan FOR ten years instead!