Ultra-D problem upping the dram voltage options to 4V


Diamond Member
Nov 13, 2004
Read the manual, but when I switch the jumper to the 2-3 position, the computer won't even turn on wtf? I set the CPU VID Control to 1.5V as stated in the manual prior to moving the jumper. I have OCZ4000vx ram so it needs the juice and it's getting 3.2V right now could do more and my proc could go further as well :(


Diamond Member
Nov 13, 2004
Originally posted by: qbackin
Wow 4V hope you have a fan on those puppys:D

I don't want to go up to 4V just enable it up the 4V otherwise for me it only goes up to 3.2V I really want to get to 3.5V and yes I have sufficient cooling ;).


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
theres a procedure in one of the stickied threads at dfi.street. its under critical updates or non-critical, one of them.

Capt Caveman

Jan 30, 2005
Yes, check dfi-street and xtremesystems.org. DFI has acknowledge that switching the jumper to raise dram voltage over 3.3v has been killing motherboards and memory.


Senior member
Feb 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Capt Caveman
Yes, check dfi-street and xtremesystems.org. DFI has acknowledge that switching the jumper to raise dram voltage over 3.3v has been killing motherboards and memory.

Uh-oh, I was planning on ordering this board next week. Now I guess Ill wait to see if a crossfire board implements all the features of that sapphire reference board, I think it went to 4v also, not sure if there was a jumper or how it switched to the 5v rail.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
Originally posted by: Capt Caveman
Yes, check dfi-street and xtremesystems.org. DFI has acknowledge that switching the jumper to raise dram voltage over 3.3v has been killing motherboards and memory.

easy captain, thats not true.

To conclude, there has been no evidence that the DFI NF4 motherboard has been responsible for any memory death. You can choose to not believe this if that is what you want to do. We have done extensive testing and found no evidence that the board kills memory modules though, and that is the truth, no matter how much some of you might want to flame and shout that you 'know for sure' that the board does kill memory.

the facts are that some people are having problems with the ram dying, as if pushing 3.5v through ram 24/7 is a good idea to begin with. in particular, most people having this problem are using utt/ch5, not bh5 and vx chips. and for every one person complaining about this issue there are many, many others using the 4v jump without an issue.

the most important things to remember is the active cooling on the ram and if you use the 4v jumper you need to use the volts. meaning, don't set it to 4v jump and run 2.9v through it as the extra volts have to be discharged somewhere, ie through the mobo mosfets which obviously will burn the board up over time.

here is the thread on the issue. kinda lengthy but worth the read if you are considering that kind of voltage.


Diamond Member
Nov 13, 2004
I'm obviously going to run that voltage with the ram I have. It's running at 3.2V right now for some reason that's how high my dram voltage thing lets it go - however as I mentioned before when I switch it to the the 2-3 position the comp won't even turn on? Wtf?



Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
if you tried the method that AG lists at dfi.street and it still no works, i'd try either PMing him or rgone or starrting a thread there. i wish i could help but i never used that jump as i have rev2