Ultra ATA problems


Junior Member
Nov 23, 1999
I just upgraded to a Thunderbird 800 on an ABIT KT7 MB. I have a Western Digital ATA/66 drive and a Fujitsu ATA/33 drive on the same channel. I've used a utility from WD to set the ATA/66 drive to only run at 33, but I can't run both drives with DMA on in either windows 98SE or Win2k. 98SE runs really slowly with DMA on, and Win2k will only run one drive with DMA on, and is using PIO for the other. I'm using the latest VIA drivers (4.25). Does anybody know how to fix this problem? The performance is OK now, but I know it could be better.


Senior member
Apr 27, 2000
It should be backwards compatable. The ATA 66 drive will run on an IDE 33 channel. I dont see why you had to set the drive to only 33 mode. Why are you messing with DMA anyways?