
Nov 18, 2001
I'm majoring in Computer Science (undergrad), and both of these schools accepted me and are the best schools that I applied to that I'm going to get into (don't really stand a chance at Carnegie Mellon or Cornell)

On one hand, Maryland is a lot closer for me (only 4 hour drive as opposed to UIUC's 14 hour drive).

But UIUC is supposed to have a simply outstanding CS program (#5 in the nation, ranked behind CMU, Stanford, MIT, and UC:B) while UM:CP is at 12.

UIUC is in bumblefvck from what I hear, while UM:CP has a pretty sh!tty neighborhood around it.

So can anyone who goes to either of these colleges tell me how college life is for them? (student body, things to do around town, what a CS courseload entails and is like, etc).

Also, how are the financial aid packages for each of these schools? Do they cover a good share of the tuition or do they leave you stuck with a large amount of loans?

Also for people out there in real world, how does a degree in CS from UIUC look compared to a CS degree from UM:CP (with graduating GPAs being about the same)?


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2002
if your are looking to get into research in AI or Robotics or related, UMCP is really good (CMU if the best ofcourse but you dont have that as a choice)

for Systems and Algorithms, UIUC is very strong

overall in CS UIUC is better as you say

but for undergrad and if you dont care for research go to the school which gives you more aid or stuff IMO


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
I don't go to either school. Having said that, I do go to school in Chicago, and have been to UIUC many times. I am also from Maryland, and have a lot of friends who go there. I'd choose Maryland, because one state school is as good as another. Also, Champaign/Urbana is in bufu Egypt, while College Park is a pretty happening place, and also very close to the DC Metro area.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2000
I thought I received an outstanding education at UMCP. Their CS department is first rate. The only negative about it might be the neighborhood it is in. I think I heard reports that crime is up in the area.


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: StormRider
I thought I received an outstanding education at UMCP. Their CS department is first rate. The only negative about it might be the neighborhood it is in. I think I heard reports that crime is up in the area.

How was the workload at CP? Was it managable (still able to work a job, have some fun on the weekends, reserve weekdays for hw/studying) or did you really have to bust your ass even on the weekends to stay afloat?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
UMCP has a FUN area! it is a real collegetown! i wish i was going there, i might transfer for fall


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: BigJ
I'm majoring in Computer Science (undergrad), and both of these schools accepted me and are the best schools that I applied to that I'm going to get into (don't really stand a chance at Carnegie Mellon or Cornell)

On one hand, Maryland is a lot closer for me (only 4 hour drive as opposed to UIUC's 14 hour drive).

But UIUC is supposed to have a simply outstanding CS program (#5 in the nation, ranked behind CMU, Stanford, MIT, and UC:B) while UMD:CP is at 12.

UIUC is in bumblefvck from what I hear, while UMD:CP has a pretty sh!tty neighborhood around it.

So can anyone who goes to either of these colleges tell me how college life is for them? (student body, things to do around town, what a CS courseload entails and is like, etc).

Also, how are the financial aid packages for each of these schools? Do they cover a good share of the tuition or do they leave you stuck with a large amount of loans?

Also for people out there in real world, how does a degree in CS from UIUC look compared to a CS degree from UMD:CP (with graduating GPAs being about the same)?

First, you're gonna get the same education at either school. Both have rigorous CS programs. The area around CP is not that dangerous (I live about 15 min away from CP). I go to my friend's house all the time during the summer. Of course, there are a few bad areas, since its located in PG county, but as a student you won't really go around there. There have been several students attacked, but I think UMD's security is increasing its patrols in the local neighborhoods. Living, on campus, there isn't much to worry about. The dorms however, seem to be pretty bad. I know many of my friends who went there had triples, and most of the hallways didn't smell good. That being said, I declined a full scholarship to go to another school, and I don't regret my decision at all.
Aug 14, 2001
I would choose UIUC.

Not because that it has a higher 'undergrad ranking' (which really means nothing), but to me it seems to be more respected at the national level.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2000
UIUC is a great school...great profs and a reasonably relaxed atmosphere which makes for a great learning environment. I'm sure there is a decent party scene at the school and some fun bars, etc.

I'll tell you that CMU (I go there) has next to no party life whatsoever, but Pittsburgh itself has tons of bars and clubs and with all the other colleges in the city, there are a ton of young people who enjoy having a good time.


Golden Member
May 30, 2001
I went to UIUC, (Civil Engg), my sister is currently doing her PhD at UMD. Of course, UIUC is better than UMD :)
Seriously, for CS I think UIUC should be the one.

I'm sure there is a decent party scene at the school and some fun bars, etc.

Yeah, right! Only if one is a LAS major. :)



Golden Member
Jun 25, 2001
I would go to UIUC. It's more renowned for the major you are entering. It'll help when you're looking for a job at big companies.


Nov 18, 2001
Oh and I know this really has nothing to do with my decision, but I just got a free "Illinois 1867" T-shirt in the mail from UIUC, which is pretty sweet of them to do.


Junior Member
Feb 29, 2004
cs dept. at umcp is supposed to be pretty decent, but it's in prince george's county (crime's not that bad, but not too good, either), and the dorm rooms are a bit smaller than the standard federal jail cell. in addition, bathrooms are shared for one floor in most of the freshmen dorms... ugh. many of the core classes are 150+ people lecture hall classes, and as a freshman, that means your first classes will be tougher due to the enormous class size. i'm not going there because umbc happens to be better for my pre-med stuff than cp.

i don't know much about uiuc, so i can't say anything about them except that i've heard good things about their cs program.


Jul 7, 2001
Originally posted by: cchen
Originally posted by: gopunk
UIUC, nationally recognized school

and UMCP, not a nationally recognized school?

not as much as UIUC (for computer science). for CS, i don't think there is any comparison...


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: gopunk
Originally posted by: cchen
Originally posted by: gopunk
UIUC, nationally recognized school

and UMCP, not a nationally recognized school?

not as much as UIUC (for computer science). for CS, i don't think there is any comparison...

for CS, I don't think you even need a comparison, as you'll learn the same things, while being around a similar-quality of peers


Jul 7, 2001
Originally posted by: cchen
Originally posted by: gopunk
Originally posted by: cchen
Originally posted by: gopunk
UIUC, nationally recognized school

and UMCP, not a nationally recognized school?

not as much as UIUC (for computer science). for CS, i don't think there is any comparison...

for CS, I don't think you even need a comparison, as you'll learn the same things, while being around a similar-quality of peers

*shrug* all other things being equal, i see no reason not to go for the better recognized program


Senior member
Mar 8, 2002
I go to UIUC and have a roommate who is a CS/Math major. As far as course load, he will graduate in 4 years time. He does have many late nights, but also has found time to go out, be in a band, and hold a job. Champaign/Urbana has its bad parts but campus for the most part is very safe. The dorms are pretty good (some better than others of course), you have numerous meal plan options, and the atmosphere is quite good. I believe UIUC will look better on a resume in the future but again considers costs and the financial aid available to you. In addition, I believe the CS dept has 1 advisor for every 16 students where the business school that I am in has 1 for every 1100. Also, the engineering/cs campus has been drastically remodeled with many new buildings. Well, that?s my $0.02.


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2003
I went to UIUC for undergrad and for my masters. I'm not from Illinois and had never even seen snow before. I majored in EE and pulled a minor in CS (not worth the trouble as I look back on it). I easily finished in four years.

To an outsider, Cham-bana may look like it's nowhere... in fact, if you drive there, you will swear it's in the middle of nowhere. It's a great college town, though. I mean, it exists because the college is there. While I was there (1992 to 1999), it was said to have more bars on campus per capita than any other college. I believe it also has more Greek houses than any other school if you're into the frat thing.

I wouldn't worry about not having a good time at UIUC. All the same, you should probably visit the school before deciding.

Not being in CS and never having lived on the East Coast (I lived in the South and now in the West), I had no idea what UMCP was until I read your post. I know that UIUC is a well known, well respected school as far as EEs are concerned. My internships and job interviews made that pretty obvious.

Illinois has huge resources. They got workstations and high-speed connections all over the place, and none of the workstations were ever more than two or three years old before Sun or HP or IBM or Intel donated new ones. It's that way for all the equipment and resources in the engineering schools. I kinda took it for granted while I was there, but I miss it now that it's gone. :(

Good luck in your decision!