Originally posted by: techs
Uh, does anyone remember Bush threatening a veto less than year ago...
if oil companies were not given a 10 billion dollar tax cut?
I seem to remember something like this.
Does anyone remember and have a link?
And is this the tax cut he now says he will veto if not repealed?
Yes of course, it is in my Oil thread here:
Topic Title: Oil thread
Specifically 8-8-2005
President Bush took a break from his August vacation Monday to sign into law a broad energy bill that provides $14.5 billion in tax breaks for U.S. companies to encourage more energy production and efficiency.
Analysts on both sides of the political spectrum said the bill does little to reduce U.S. oil imports, lower prices or deal with other energy issues facing the country. They said $14.5 billion in tax breaks and other incentives in the bill will not accomplish much more than transferring money to energy companies, some of which already are reaping huge profits.
Bush Signs Energy Bill, Cheers Steps Toward Self-Sufficiency
ALBUQUERQUE, Aug. 8 -- President Bush signed the first national energy legislation in more than a decade on Monday, hailing the measure as a smart way to make Americans more secure and less dependent on foreign oil.
"I'm confident that one day Americans will look back on this bill as a vital step toward a more secure and more prosperous nation that is less dependent on foreign sources of energy," Bush said.
The bill exempts oil and gas industries from some clean-water laws, streamlines permits for oil wells and power lines on public lands, and helps the hydropower industry appeal environmental restrictions. One provision would repeal a Depression-era law that has prevented consolidation of public utilities, potentially transforming the nation's electricity market.
Ethanol, for instance, is a big winner under the new law because it is often produced from corn, a popular and plentiful crop in the Midwest, where many states are considered up for grabs in next year's election.
Yep, gotta love the short term memory of the American Sheeple.