Ubisoft Support - Adding insult to injury


Platinum Member
Feb 2, 2005
This was posted a couple of days ago on extremeoverclocking.com:



So at about 7:45 pm EST the master server for Assassins Creed 2 was down. This means it is not possible to play the game - what-so-ever. No single player or anything. I was very calm and polite, but the rep named Tish was not.


I called Ubisoft to ask what was happening, or let them know of the problem. The representative who answered the phone was named Tish.

Me: I told Tish that I was not able to play Assassins Creed 2 because 'failed to connect to the master server', yet I was still able to go to the Ubisoft website, so I know my Internet connection is working.
Tish: She told me the server was down for maintenance.

Me: I asked her when it would be back up. She responded (basically) '
Tish: she doesn't know'.

Me: Then I asked what the normal maintenance schedule was for the master server. Her response was:
Tish: 3:30am to 5:30am. It is just a game.

Me: Is that in Eastern Standard Time?
Tish: I don't know. There are other things to do with your life.

Me: Is there a schedule online I can follow so I know when the master server will be down next.
Tish: No there is no schedule. You just need to go do something else for the time being.

Me: Well, I paid for this game and I want to play it. My time is limited.
Tish: Don't panic. Go have a cup of coffee, watch a movie, do something else. It is just a game.

Me: It's just a game? (Are you kidding me?) Are you saying you can't tell me anything about the problem with this game I purchased?
Tish's response was pretty much the same bull load and she was extremely rude and condescending.

Tish had said many other things that I found rude and condescending. Her statements were extremely undeserving. I could understand it if she works for free, but I bought this game and she gets a paycheck from it. I expect something. I can understand problems occur, but she only added insult to injury.

I called back after 1 minute...
The rep, Drew, answered the phone.

Me: Hello Drew, what state are you in? (Drew tried to evade this question)
Drew: South Carolina. (Now I know they operate on the EST time zone, lol)

Me: Drew, I just called moments ago and talked to a female. She told me the master server is down? What can you tell me about this?
Drew: Yes the master server is down and we have had some problems with it today.

Me: Ok Drew, that is fine. Can I ask the name of the manager? (Drew: once again he was evasive in answering)
Drew: Yes the manager on duty right now is Fred.

Me: Oh good, thank you Drew. Is Fred available right now? (Drew: delay and BSing for time)
Drew: Well, no he is not.

Me: Ok Drew, that is fine. When can I call back to talk to Fred?
Drew: Can I ask what this is about?

Me: Sure, I just spoke to Tish and did not appreciate the the way she was talking to me. She was very condescending and I have never spent this much money on a product to be talked to like this. I would like to speak with a manager about it.

Drew: I don't know (Drew: add filler) but I can get your email address and make a little note about it here.


Senior member
Feb 5, 2005
If this is indeed exactly how the conversation went, then she will probably be punished since the calls are usually monitored.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2010
Please vote with your wallet and never be so stupid again. You bought a game with always online DRM, what did you expect? You give them an inch and they take a mile.


Platinum Member
Feb 2, 2005
Please vote with your wallet and never be so stupid again. You bought a game with always online DRM, what did you expect? You give them an inch and they take a mile.

Sad but true.

I'd be really interested in finding out how their sales are doing, in spite of this draconian shit.

And the problem is: If sales are low, they'll blame piracy; when in fact, it's all because of their stupidity.


Sep 20, 2007
Really? By Ubisoft?

Yeah, I think Ubisoft has made their contempt for the customers very clear.

I'd say Ubisoft is the new EA but even they've never been this bad. At least EA's customer service is helpful.

Just the general quality of their games, their attitude, and their poor customer service. Doesn't make me want to buy Ubisoft titles.


Platinum Member
Feb 2, 2005
Why would anyone buy Ubisoft games? They're not even that good.

Actually, I really enjoyed AC II. (I bought it really cheap during the steam summer sale.)

In my opinion, I don't think this has to do with the quality of their games.


Oct 30, 2008
I would have demanded to speak to a manager. Just continue to call and when you get someone higher up, demand a full refund. I would settle for no less.

I, however, won't run into this problem because not only does Ubisoft use retarded DRM, they don't make games I want to play.


Senior member
Feb 7, 2010
That Tish woman acted like an ass.
Tish: It is just a game.
Well, that game is paying your salary.
I would do the same than the guy that called... try to talk with her boss.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
If this is indeed exactly how the conversation went, then she will probably be punished since the calls are usually monitored.

They may be recorded. Probably not monitored though and if they didn't use their real name they probably can't effectively find the call.


Golden Member
Aug 18, 2001
So one person had a bad experience with one customer support person who worked at some company. Stop the presses! Now is the time for sweeping conclusions about anything related to that company?

I thought AC2 was pretty fun and a very good use of $40 entertainment wise. Brotherhoods comes out on Nov 16th and I'll probably pick it up after a couple of weeks.


Oct 30, 2008
So one person had a bad experience with one customer support person who worked at some company. Stop the presses! Now is the time for sweeping conclusions about anything related to that company?

I thought AC2 was pretty fun and a very good use of $40 entertainment wise. Brotherhoods comes out on Nov 16th and I'll probably pick it up after a couple of weeks.

The opinion of a company is easily based on who you interact with from said company. Customer Service should be the last place a rude employee is found. They deal directly with the, mostly disgruntled, public who are having issues with their products. What the woman said, if it was true, was unacceptable in every way. I can understand her not being able to help, but responding the way she did was completely out of line.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2000
A forum post is now all that is required for people to believe something? <sigh>


Bill Brasky

Diamond Member
May 18, 2006
In general, if you call tech support enough you'll find a rep having a bad day. Yes it was completely uncalled for, but that's the way it goes when you're dealing with people that hate their job.

Just report 'em to the boss and move on with your life.


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2005
Whooooooosssshhhhhhh . . . .

Did you all see that?

Went right over your heads.

Tish is only a minor problem here.

The real problem:
Tish: It is just a game.

We've got your money on our terms - you have no say - so we'll take our Servers down whenever we feel like it.

Oh, our DRM prevents you from playing your SINGLE PLAYER game . . . oh well, that's the only way we can get our way . . . .


Golden Member
Feb 28, 2008
Good job there. :D

Anyway, if you happen to buy a game off these rip-off artists, please do keep contacting customer service any time there is anything even slightly wrong with it. Customer service costs a lot of money to run. Not buying the next game from the same developers is good (and you should do that as well), but burning money they already have in their hands is way better when it comes to getting their attention and causing actual change in their business practices.


Oct 30, 2008
Good job there. :D

Anyway, if you happen to buy a game off these rip-off artists, please do keep contacting customer service any time there is anything even slightly wrong with it. Customer service costs a lot of money to run. Not buying the next game from the same developers is good (and you should do that as well), but burning money they already have in their hands is way better when it comes to getting their attention and causing actual change in their business practices.

By calling you're not technically burning money. The people aren't paid by how many calls they take (if they work in a call center). They get paid whether they answer the phone or not. The only impact would be if calls increased enough Ubisoft expanded or opened another call center.


Apr 8, 2001
By calling you're not technically burning money. The people aren't paid by how many calls they take (if they work in a call center). They get paid whether they answer the phone or not. The only impact would be if calls increased enough Ubisoft expanded or opened another call center.

Mostly true, but as sprint nows, a growing amount of bad publicity from requiring large amounts of tech support and the exponential leap when the amount of support received is noted to be bad also is an extremely bad thing for a company to deal with and does effect the bottom line, hi there Dell.