I think that should be USNS Walter S. Diehl.
Piracy is actually a growing problem, particularly in the straits and small passages between islands around Indonesia. In those areas many Japanese owned cargo vessels have been have been hijacked by pirates in small boats. This has led to some increased contermeasures by commercial vessals, including running at high speed, constantly running thier fire hoses to discourage boarders, and even arming thier crews in some cases. It is still relatively easy to hijak a commercial vessal. Even huge container ships often have crews of no more than 20 men due to automation, sometimes less which makes them easy targets. USNS ships are staffed with far lower complements that most regular navy ships, but still have more crew and weapons with which to repel boarders than a merchant ship not to mention a generally higher state of crew training and vigilance. They may even have thier own RHIB's with which to do boat patrols. I am not sure about that, it has been a while.