two old ladies visit a new church and...

Jan 18, 2001
Two old ladies decide to visit a new church. To their dismay, the church had very uncomfortable pews and the pastor was belting out a very long and boring sermon.

One lady says to her friend, "I hope he wraps this up soon. My bottom fell asleep hours ago!"

Her friend nods in agreement and says, "I know I heard it snoring!"



Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
That reminds of this one my dad told me:

An old lady visits her doctor for a check-up. The doctor asks if she's had any unusual physical symptoms lately. She replies, "Oh only one minor thing--I have terrible flatulance and find myself passing gas constantly. However, it's odorless and completely silent." The doctor writes her a prescription. She asks what it's for and he says, "This ought to clear up your olfactory problem. Next week we'll work on your hearing."

Haaaah. Okay, kinda lame.


Mar 13, 2001
Originally posted by: hjo3
That reminds of this one my dad told me:

An old lady visits her doctor for a check-up. The doctor asks if she's had any unusual physical symptoms lately. She replies, "Oh only one minor thing--I have terrible flatulance and find myself passing gas constantly. However, it's odorless and completely silent." The doctor writes her a prescription. She asks what it's for and he says, "This ought to clear up your olfactory problem. Next week we'll work on your hearing."

Haaaah. Okay, kinda lame.
